

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月29日 16:18   无忧雅思网

  网友:Hi, Mr Zhou, I’ve heard a lot about you! One of my classmates who once attended your Toefl speaking classes at Bejing New Oriental said you speak fabulous British English. Is it possible for me to go to your ielts classes at Xinhangdao this winter?

  周华章:It’s a sure thing that you can attend my Ielts writing sessions at New Channel. Actually you are more than welcome. As far as I know if you go to the front desk at New Channel or call them at 62116766 during regular office hours, one of the staff members will provide you with more details. As for any more questions of yours, we might as well talk at length in detail when we meet in person. I will help you as much as I can. Is it alright?

  网友 :周老师,您好!能花点时间谈谈在牛津大学学习期间英文写作方面的感受吗?我很快也有可能去牛津就读。祝我好运吧:)

  周华章:For one thing, you have all my sincere wishes about your future study at Oxford Uni. I am sure you wouldn’t be disappointed in any way whatsoever, speaking from both my personal experience and my sister’s who has finished her Ph. D degree in Engineering at Oxford Uni. Well, writing assignments or papers at Oxford may appear daunting if you are not used to it when you first arrive at your department.

    This is because most of the Chinese students have not yet received adequate training in terms of academic writing before they land on a foreign soil like UK or US. Breifly speaking, a student in humanities needs to finish more than one essay each week, which means the student has to get the reading done first. And the reading list can range from 3 to 10 pages or even longer. No worries, after a harrowing first few months, most of those hard-working Chinese students will keep their stiff upper lip and manage to scrape a success.

    This does mean a lot of sweat. However, a word of advice, it is important to seek help from your peers either foreign or Chinese as some of the assignments are group projects or under the circumstance that you can’t finish all of the reading on your own. Anyway it may take hours to exhaust all details with regard to writing at Oxford Uni. Once again, good luck and you will be fine. Merry X’mas

  网友:老师你好,我是暑假班的学员,想问一下关于“give your opinion"这种题是在开头先说对于这两种说法不同的人想法不同,然后正文分两大段,分别写两种观点的优点,最后结尾表明自己赞成哪一个好。还是在开头就表明自己更偏向哪个观点,然后正文写三段好,第一段是否必须写出自己的观点呀。如果正文写三段让一下步段写在第一段好还是最后一段好?谢谢.

  周华章:同学你好,你的问题非常具体,这是有关写作形式的。 如果问题中明确问“discuss both views and state your own opinion”,那我们就一定要在中间部分一段说其中一点的好处,另一段说另外一点,然后再表明自己的倾向。 如果是问“to what extent you agree or disagree”,那就不必如此。

    我们应该尽量只说支持其中一点原因,开头就要挑明,分成2段或3段都没关系。 另外要记住一点,task2是一篇小作文,字数写过250就可以。剑桥雅思中的范文基本上都是刚刚超过250个字,而不是超过300个字。 还有,雅思判卷的考官一般只花2/3分钟来看你的作文,因为他们是计件收费的,所以只要超过250个字,他可以有权不看超过的部分。 雅思写作的形式并不是很难掌握的, 只要仔细研读范文都可以看得清清楚楚。但更重要的是,语言的运用,最好不出现中式英文。 希望以上的回答能有所帮助。


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