

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年01月09日 16:59   新浪教育



  Education is the only thing you do for yourself only.

  And the biggest shame of all is that you’re only allowed to study at one school over a certain period of time.

  I was lucky enough to have traveled to Singapore and witnessed the educational wonder at the Nanyang Technology University at which my mom was studying at the time.

  That was the educational visit that I remember most clearly.

  (That was the most important event that happened to me in my life. )

  The campus was absolutely stunning(震撼的美丽) with trees and grass all over it.

  You feel you’ve stepped into a forest or something.

  I’m not an environmentalist, but the reason why I like it with so many trees is because it gives you a chance to escape from the social complexity and return to an ‘atmosphere of academia. (学术氛围)

  And here and there you see a squirrel or cat lying around the campus totally not afraid of people. I guess no one ever harms them. That’s strange to me but kinda cool.

  My mom was attending an MBA program there.

  So me, as her daughter, was given the opportunity to visit my mom at this prestigious(声名显赫) university.

  And my personal agenda(目的) was to take a vacation in one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world.

  But I didn’t expect to find so much I don’t know about that lion city.

  The people, the urban landscape, the cultural atmosphere of that city totally changed my world perspective.

  I think that visit changed my life and it was because of that visit that I made up my mind to go abroad and experience something different.

  So I guess in a certain sense, this educational visit was the turning point in my life, it explains why I’m here today taking this test.

  (316 words)

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