
09雅思口语作文: 书籍是心灵鸡汤

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年01月09日 17:01   新浪教育


  书籍: 心灵鸡汤

  Chicken Soup for the Soul

  Since I just finished my busiest three years in life, I didn’t have much time to do my reading. And finishing a long novel seemed almost impossible. I developed the habit of reading short stories that can both entertain me and give me strength. And Chicken Soup for the Soul was one of them.


  I finished reading it approximately 2 years ago.

  But I didn’t rush through it.

  Instead, I read it religiously,

  one or two for each day.

  I didn’t want to waste good reading material, so I savored every one of them.


  In it were many stories and anecdotes that can inspire and enlighten you.

  Usually, every story has a positive message.

  Frankly, I learned much in between the lines.


  The reason I like this book very much was on the one hand, it reminds me of many wonderful things in my childhood and on the other hand, it gives me reason, wisdom and maturity.

  It coincided with the period in my life where I had many doubts, I was confused.

  This book indirectly provided me many answers to such puzzles.

  It taught me to think.

  Thinking is such a noble habit.

  Learning only provides us materials of knowledge;

  it is thinking that makes what we learn ours.

  (学习只提供给我们知识的原材料, 思考使我们所学的东西真正沉淀为自己的知识. )

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