

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年02月09日 14:16   新浪教育


  What's your favourite kind of music?

  How do you feel when you listen to this music?

  Is music an important subject at school in China?

  What are some differences between the music you listened to as a child and the music you listen to now?

  How does music affect (or influence) people?

  Compare the music that young people like and the music that old(er) people like.

  Does western music have any influence on Chinese music?

  A Childhood Toy

  Describe a toy that you enjoyed playing with in your childhood.

  You should say:

  how you got this toy

  what it looked like

  what you did with this toy

  and explain why you enjoyed playing with this toy.

  Are there any differences between boys' toys and girls' toys?

  Which kind of toys do people most like to buy, imported ones or Native ones?

  Why people prefer some kind of toys and dislike others.

  Are there any differences between Chinese toys or toys of foreign countries?

  Compare the advantages and (possible) disadvantages of children playing alone and children playing with other children.

  An Historic Site

  Describe an (an important) historic site in your country.

  You should say:

  where it is

  Nhow you know about this place

  what can be seen at this site now

  and explain why it is important in the history of your country

  Through what ways do you get to know history?

  What are some of the best (or, most popular) travel destinations in China?

  Which places (countries) are Chinese people most interested in visiting? (Why?)

  When many people visit a particular place, what effects can that have on this place?

  What difficulties might a foreigner have while travelling as a tourist in China?


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