

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月14日 14:53   新东方

  The Internet

  The Internet is an extremely desirable medium for marketers wanting to target children. It’s part of youth culture. This generation of young people is growing up with the Internet as a daily and routine part of their lives. Kids are often online alone, without parental supervision。

  Unlike broadcasting media, which have codes regarding advertising to kids, the Internet is unregulated. Sophisticated technologies make it easy to collect information from young people for marketing research, and to target individual children with personalized advertising。

  Marketing Adult Entertainment to Kids

  Children are often aware of and want to see entertainment meant for older audiences because it is actively marketed to them. In a report released in 2000, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) revealed how the movie, music and video games industries routinely market violent entertainment to young children。

  The FTC studied 44 films rated “Restricted,” and discovered that 80 per cent were targeted to children under 17. Marketing plans included TV commercials run during hours when young viewers were most likely to be watching. The FTC report also highlighted the fact that toys based on characters from mature entertainment are often marketed to young children. Mature rated video games are advertised in youth magazines; and toys based on “Restricted” movies and M-rated video games are marketed to children as young as four。

  注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1 上作答。

  1. Guilt can play a role in parents’ spending decisions because _________。

  A) they don’t earn as much money as before

  B) they don’t have enough time for their kids

  C) they postpone children until later in life

  D) they think time is more precious than money

  2. According to Kidfluence, persistence nagging is ____________。

  A) as effective as importance nagging

  B) more effective than importance nagging

  C) more sophisticated than importance nagging

  D) less effective than importance nagging

  3. A group of U.S. mental health professionals think that __________。

  A) it is unethical to use child psychologists to help marketers target kids

  B) it is wise for marketers to use knowledge about children psychology for marketing

  C) children’s behavior, fantasy lives, and even their dreams should be analyzed

  D) APA should punish marketers for the marriage of psychology and marketing

  4. According to the Center for a New American Dream, brand loyalties can be established as early as _______________。

  A) six months of age C) age two

  B) eighteen months of age D) age three

  5. Buzz marketing is well-suited to the Internet because ____________。

  A) the Internet is an unregulated medium

  B) the interactive environment can spread messages effectively

  C) kids can get access to up-dated information from the Internet

  D) kids are always online without parental supervision

  6. School boards allow corporations access to students because _______________。

  A) they take bribes from the corporations

  B) they need money and educational materials

  C) the corporations help to increase reputation of the schools

  D) the corporations are concerned about education

  7. According to the Pizza Hut reading incentives program, children receive certificates for free pizza if they _______________。

  A) achieve a monthly reading goal

  B) like reading books at the Pizza Hut

  C) win the reading contest organized by the Pizza Hut

  D) eat out frequently at the Pizza Hut

  8. For this generation of young people, the Internet is a ____________ part of their lives。

  9. According to a report released by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, the movie, music and video games industries routinely market ________________ to young children。

  10. The FTC report also highlighted the fact that toys based on ___________ are often marketed to young children。

  Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre。

  注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2 上作答。

  11. A) The woman should have studied French in Paris。

  B) The woman didn’t study French in high school。

  C) Living in Paris helped improve the woman’s language skills。

  D) The woman must have had a good French teacher。

  12. A) Phone the Triumph for a reservation。

  B) Ask her parents to come a different weekend。

  C) Call local hotels again in a few days。

  D) Find a hotel again in a few days。

  13. A) He decided not to sell the piano。

  B) He’s looking for a place to store the piano。

  C) No one has bought the piano。

  D) He hasn’t been able to find an inexpensive piano yet。

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