

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月14日 15:47   文都教育


  Part I   Sample Writing

  Problems about Reducing Students' Heavy Burden

  Nowadays, students' heavy burden makes them so nervous that it does harm to their health. It is not difficult to find out too many problems appearing in our society; some students give up studying, even kill themselves. Some other students go to kill their parents or their teachers because they can't bear any more。

  The factors that lead to students' heavy burden are the following three: firstly, it is because of educational system.  Such system forces students to learn too much complex but useless information. Secondly, schools only quest for higher rate of entering schools.  In order to get higher rate, schools try their best to do more training so that students can't have their spare time. Thirdly, parents have good wishes.  Parents do not want their children to fail in the future competition. They have no other way but to send their children to attend more training。

  It becomes urgent to reduce students' heavy burden now. In my own opinion, it is important to change the educational system into high quality education system, to reduce the content of the training, to change the way of evaluating education quality, to change parents and society's attitude towards talents. All these are the basic ways that help reduce students' heavy burden。

  Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

  1. N    2. N    3. N    4. Y

  5. engine development

  6. small, war-surplus engines

  7. Mitsubishi Bank

  8. You meet the nicest people on a Honda。

  9. the Isle of Man Tourist Trophy

  10. dreams and youthfulness

  Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension

  Section A

  11--15    DDBCD      16--20    BCBCD       21--25    CBCAA

  Section B

  26--30    DCACA     31--35    DACAB

  Section C

  36. France             37. difficult          38. smoke           39. acceptable

  40. however             41. cigarette          42. wealth            43. brand

  44. Some men think that smoking makes them looks more manly. As in other cultures, smoking is a way to socialize and belong

  45. the bride lights her husband's cigarette to show her devotion to him

  46. Cambodian men smoked when they took a break from working in the fields, to ease their hunger and to keep mosquitoes away

  Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

  Section A

  47. major consequences

  48. They probably only read reports written in English。

  49. surveys/ studies

  50. sales literature  outgoing correspondence

  51. Industrial training schemes, translation services, part-time language courses and technical glossaries。

  Section B

  52--56     ACBAB     57--61     ABBDC

  Part V  Error Correction

  62. And→However/But

  63. in→at

  64. than→to

  65. with→against

  66. term→terms

  67. fail→failing 或在 fail 之前插入who

  68. 在treat 之前插入to

  69. giving→given

  70. 删除far或much

  71. before→after

  Part Ⅵ Translation

  72. the central government had to draw on its reserves so as to pull through the food crisis

  73. I'm convinced that, contrary to expectations, the so-called informed decision will bring grave consequences

  74. in the course of their investigation, they discovered various forms of political corruption and exposed a number of corrupted officials

  75. Mary's dilemma was whether to tell her boss the truth or to betray his trust by keeping him in the dark

  76. he is an experienced teacher and knows how to bring out the best in his students

  Part Ⅱ  Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

  1.由第二段第一、二句“Soichiro Honda was described as a maverick in a nation of conformists.He made it a point to wear loud suits and wildly colored shirts。”可知在强调顺从和一致的国度里,本田是个特立独行的人。他坚持穿花哨的西装,异常艳丽的衬衫。故本题判断为NO。

  2.由第四段中后半部分“To obtain it, he enrolled in a technical high school,...But he did not bother to take examinations at the school.Informed that he would not be graduated,Honda commented that a diploma was‘worth less than a movie theater ticket.A ticket guarantees that you can get into the theater.But a diploma doesn't guarantee that you can make a living’”。可见他不屑为了获得文凭而参加考试。故此题判断为NO。

  3.由第十六段中的;“Unlike most chief executive officers in Japan,who step down to become chairmen of their firms,Honda retained only the title of‘supreme adviser’”判断此题为NO。

  4.由第十四段“While Honda oversaw a worldwide company by the early-1970s(Honda entered the automobile market in 1967),he never shied away from getting his hands greasy....Even as president of the company,‘he worked as one of the researchers,’Sanders quoted a Honda engineer as saying.‘Whenever we encountered a problem,he studied it along with us.’”可见本田从不摆架子,喜欢和职员一起在实验室解决技术问题。故此题判断为YES。

  5.由第一段最后一句“Following its founder's lead,Honda has always been a leader in technology,especially in the area of engine development。”可见本田在引擎技术方面一直领先。故正确答案为“engine development”。

  6.由第六段第一、二句“In 1946,he established the Honda Technical Research Institute to motorize bicycles with small,war-surplus engines.These bikes became very popular in Japan。”可本见田把战争剩下的小引擎装在自行车上。这种有了动力的自行车在日本很受欢迎。故本题答案为“small,war-surplus engines”。

  7.由第七段第三句“A public offering and support from Mitsubishi Bank allowed Honda to expand and begin exporting。”可见三菱银行的支持使本田得以扩大发展并进军国际市场,开始出口。故本题答案为“Mitsubishi Bank”。

  8.由第八段第一句“In 1959,the American Honda Motor was founded and soon began using the slogan,You meet the nicest people on a Honda,’to offset the stereotype of motorcyclists during that period。”可见本田公司用这样的一个口号去改变美国人对摩托车手的消极看法。故本题答案为“You meet the nicest people on a Honda。”。

  9.由第十段第一句“In June 1959,the Honda racing team brought their first motorbike to compete in the Isle of Man Tourist Trophy race,then the world's most popular motorcycle race。”可见本题正确答案为“the Isle of Man Tourist Trophy”。

  10.由第十五段第二句“‘Honda has always moved ahead of the times,and I attribute its success to the fact that the firm possesses dreams and youthfulness,’Honda said at the time。”可见本田认为是梦想和朝气使本田公司一直领先于时代。故本题答案为“dreams and youthfulness”

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