

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年02月16日 10:57   互联网实验室


  You are a dead duck. 你完了。

  You are a thoughtful person. 你真周到

  You are all wet. 你完全错了。

  You are just being polite. 你真会说话。

  You are killing me. 真是笑死我了。

  You are your father‘s son. 你长得很象你父亲。

  You ask for it. 你自找苦吃。

  you bet 的确

  You bet! 当然啦

  You can say it again. 我同意你的说法。

  You can set your watch by him. 他总是很准时。

  You can’t beat it. 无人匹敌的

  You can‘t keep a good man down. 好人自有出头之日。

  You don’t know half of it. 你知道什么!

  You don‘t say so. 是真的吗­

  You get me there. 你把我难住了。

  You get no say. 你无权说话。

  You got me there. 你难住我了,这个我不清楚

  You got the picture. 你了解了。

  You have a point there. 你的见解很对。

  you have outstanding 款还没付清

  You know something­ 让我告诉你一件事。

  You leave me in the cold. 你太令我扫兴了。

  You let me down. 你太让我失望了。

  You look upset. 你好象情绪不好。

  You look wonderful. 你气色很好。

  You mean to say…… 你的意思是说……

  You said a mouthful. 你说得够多的了。

  You said it. 我同意你的说法。

  You see what I mean­ 你明白我的意思了吗­

  You should be smart enough. 你应该聪明一点。

  You stay out of this. 不要插手这件事。

  You’re all mixed up. 你全搞混了。

  You‘re confusing your days. 你把日子弄混了。

  You’re putting me on. 你在和我开玩笑。

  You‘re ribbing me. 你开我玩笑。

  You’re thoughtful. 你想得真周到。

  You‘re way ahead of me. 你讲得那么快,我还没听清呢。

  Your timing is just right. 你来得正好。

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