

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年05月10日 11:38   沪江英语

  Part 1的固定问题和五月可能出现的考题

  ☆ What’s your hometown famous for? Is it good for young people? What will your hometown be like in the future? ☆ Did you like reading books when you were little? What were your favorite kinds of books? What kind of books do you like these days? Do you like writing letters?                                                                           

  ☆Do you often visit museums? Do you think museums are important to our lives? When was the last time you visited a museum? Is it a good idea for museums to sell goods to visitors?  (A Sample Answer: It may be a nice idea if museums can’t get enough funding and need extra money to support themselves. And some souvenirs sold at museum gift shops are neat! But museums won’t be able to serve visitors well if they simply focus on doing business。)

  ☆ Do you live in a house or a flat? Which is your favorite room in your house/ flat?

  ☆ Can you tell me something about the public transport system in your hometown?

  ☆ Did you receive any gifts recently? What were they?

  ☆ What sports did you play when you were a child? What’re the differences between sports played by boys and sports played by girls? What’re your favorite sports now? What’

  re your favorite outdoor activities?

  ☆ Where do you meet new people? Where did people meet new people in the past?

  ☆ Do you like shopping?

  ☆ What kinds of pets do Chinese people like to keep? Do people of different ages prefer different pets?

  ☆ Do you think air travel is important to us? (It sure is. It’s convenient, comfortable and … fun. Some people are concerned about its safety but according to statistics air

  travel is actually safer than car rides。)

  ☆ What do you collect? Why do people collect things?

  ☆ What're your favorite public holidays?

  ☆ What're your favorite flowers? Do you think flowers are important to Chinese people? Do flowers have any special meanings in China?

  ☆Is it easy for you to remember numbers? Do numbers have any special meanings in your country?

  ☆Do you like dancing? Have you learned how to dance? Why do so many young people like dancing today?

  ☆ Have you ever been to a concert? Did you like it?

  ☆Have your neighbors help you with anything? Do you prefer to have old people or young people as your neighbors?

  ☆ Do you think people who major in your field can find a job easily when they graduate?

  ☆Do you prefer to use emails or letters?☆Do you like advertisements? (Day 8: D:favorite ad)

  ☆ Do you think science is important to our lives? Why? (Possible Answers: Physics helps us figure out how things work. / Chemistry shows us the structure of the world and how

  materials interact with each other. / Biology teaches us where living things come from and what living things need to survive…)

  ☆Why do we need ads? What’s your favorite kind of advertising?

  Part 2 可能出现的卡片题,没有标注星号的题表示近期在亚太区出现过但频率较低,时间紧的同学只需要准备划星号的卡片题即可。


  ☆ Describe things you can do to help improve the environment。(十天口语p340)

  Describe a place that has a lot of water / a lake or a river. (十天口语Day 8: A& C)

  Describe a walk you took with a friend. (十天口语Day 8: C)

  Describe your favorite wild animal。


  Describe a place that helped you learn about the past。(p164,p165,p177老建筑)

  Describe a modern building. (可以和下面三个题中的一个合并在一起准备)

  ☆ Describe a hotel. (Day 8: A)

  ☆ Describe a place where there is a lot of noise。

  ☆ Describe a library. (Day 8: A)

  Describe a museum or an art gallery。(Day 10 p319)

  ☆Describe a historical place in your hometown。

  ☆ Describe a school you studied at before. (Day 7 p116)

  Describe an architect. 

  Describe your favorite part of your city/hometown. / a popular part of your hometown。

  Describe a good way to improve your health。

  ☆Describe a place that has a lot of water. (Day 8 :swimming pool / lake )

  Describe a shopping mall。

  Describe a flat / house / home。

  Describe your favorite place in your city。


  ☆ Describe an adventurous person。(How about talking about a person who likes adventurous sports?

  ☆Describe the oldest person in your family. / Describe an old person. (Day 8:双语感悟)

  Describe a friend who is a leader. (a company leader or a political leader)

  ☆ Describe a successful person。

  Describe a teenager。

  ☆ Describe a teacher who taught you before。

  Describe one of your childhood teachers(请注意本题中的动词全部要用过去时)。

  Describe a TV show host/presenter (《十天口语》p335)

  Describe a wealthy / rich person. (Day 8 B)

  Describe an artist you admire。

  Describe a famous person in a foreign country = an international celebrity。

  ☆ Describe a successful small company. 

  Describe a job you wish to do in the future./ Describe an interesting job。

  ☆Describe a person you helped before。

  Describe a job you wish to do in the future。


  Describe a hobby you had/a thing you often did when you were a child。

  ☆Describe an ad that helped you buy something. (Day 8: D)

  ☆ Describe a photo. (Day 8: D)

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