

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月31日 10:48   新东方在线微博


  第二部分话题卡部分,5月12日出现在题库中的新题在本次考试中再次出现,如A street I like、A natural beauty、an occasion you have to be polite、a thing or experience make youlaugh、an event in history you'reinterested in、a couple you knowwith a happy marriage. 同时,本次还出现了旧题换新的题,如friend的话题,以前常考的是a good friend,本次换新为A friend you haven’t contacted for a longtime。

  Part Two


  A street I like (墨尔本)5月新题

  Describe a street (in yourhometown) you like

  You should say:

  where it is

  What the main buildings are in(on) that street

  What you usually do in (on) thatstreet

  And explain how you feel aboutthis street or why you like it。


  Do you like big cities?

  Do people in big cities have goodrelationships with their neighbors?

  Why do so many people in citieswant to own a private car?

  A natural beauty you would like to visit (墨尔本) 

  Describea place of natural beauty you would like to visit

  Youshould say:

  Whereit is

  Whatit is

  Whatdo you do there

  andexplain why do you it is nice

  An Old Building(大连)

  Describe an old building that you visited。

  You should say:

  where it was

  what people do (or, were doing) there

  why you went there

  and explain how you felt about thisbuilding。

  Part 3

  Can you give some examples ofhistorical building in China?

  How to preserve these historicalbuildings?

  Do you like history?

  Do you think it important forchildren to learn hisroty?

  Your Ideal Home

  Describe the ideal home that you would liketo live in。

  You should say:

  where it would be

  what type of house it would be

  how you would decorate it

  and explain why you would like to live inthis kind of home。

  Another country you would love to visit (西安、北京)

  Describeanother country you would love to visit

  Whichcountry would you like to visit?

  whydo you want to visit this country?

  Whatattracts you most in this country?

  Part Three

  Whypeople tend to immigrate into another country?

  Whatpoints should be taken into account in immigration?

  A Shopping Place(沈阳)

  Describe a place where you often goshopping

  You should say:

  where this place is 

  what this place sells 

  how often you go there

  and explain why you like (or chose) toshop at this place。


  An enjoyable conversation (墨尔本)

  Describean enjoyable conversation you had with someone by mobile phone。

  Youshould say:

  whoyou spoke to

  whenyou had this conversation

  whatyou spoke about

  andexplain why this conversation was enjoyable。

  A Childhood Trip(墨尔本)

  Describe a trip you went on in yourchildhood that you remember well. 

  You should say:

  how you traveled

  why you went there

  how long the trip took

  and explain why you remember this trip。

  An Occasion When You Got Angry(天津)

  Describe something that made you a littleangry. 

  You should say:

  what it was that made you angry

  where you were when this happened

  what you were doing at the time

  and explain why you felt angry。

  Describe athing or experience make you laugh  (厦门)5月新题

  You should say:

  Whatthe event was

  Whenand where it happened

  Whoparticipated in this event

  Whatyou saw or did

  Andexplain why this event made you laugh


  Doyou think people feel happier than before?

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