
雅思口语6月16日考试话题汇总Part One

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月20日 19:21   新东方在线微博


  从各考点的考试情况来看,6月16日考试旧题为主,出现了少部分新题及一些旧题换新的题目。本次雅思口语考试出现新话题有:A family news that made you happy、An electronic device。  

  Part One

  Name (澳洲、南昌、成都、深圳、郑州)

  Does yourname have any meaning?

  Do youwant to change your name?

  Hometown (澳洲、南昌、北京、杭州、成都、天津、郑州、重庆、哈尔滨)

  Where areyou from?

  Tell meabout your hometown

  Are thereany changes in your hometown?

  What doesit look like when you are a child?

  Transport (澳洲)

  Whatkinds of transport do people choose?

  Is thebus crowded?

  Family members (深圳)

  House or Apartment (深圳、北京、杭州、昆明)

  Whichroom do you like best?

  Primary & Elementary school (深圳、北京)

  Photograph (北京、南昌、深圳、青岛、昆明、郑州、天津)

  Do youlike to keep photos?

  Do youthink that photos are the best way to keep something in memory?

  Healthy Diet (南昌、成都)

  Major (北京、杭州、深圳)

  Toy (北京、重庆)

  Relaxation (北京、昆明)

  Whatleisure activities do you do? 

  Whypeople do leisure activities?

  Do youthink people have enough time to relax?

  Is itimportant to relax?

  Clothe & Fashion (北京、杭州、深圳)

  Driving (杭州)

  Friends (杭州、成都、沈阳、郑州)

  Color (北京、厦门)

  Flower (郑州、重庆)

  Do youlike plastic flowers?

  Relatives (杭州)

  Ideal job in the future (杭州)

  Exercise (沈阳、重庆)

  Television (天津)

  Do you like TV programs?

  How long do you spend on watching TV?

  Do parents in China prevent their children from watchingTV? why?

  Computer (天津)

  Presents (北京)

  Drawing (北京、深圳)


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