Part one部分的高频话题
有常规性话题hometown, house or apartment. Major;
Part two部分出现的高频话题有:
人物题:Someone you know who are very polite;件经历题:Arecent change in your life、A team/group project、Leisureactivity on/near the sea you would like to try、A wrong decision someone made;地点题:Yourfavorite room、Acrowded place;物品题:Agame you liked in your childhood(not sports game)、Animportant message you received、A piece of useful electronic equipment(not computer)、Achildhood toy、Avehicle(car/bicycle)youwould like to own in the future、A product you want to buy after you saw theadvertisement等等。
(1)所说的内容一定要focus on the question, 不要回答irrelevant 的内容;
(2)观点一定要clear, 不要模棱两可;
(3)your answer should be unique , different and very creative。
Part One
House orApartment (北京、长沙、石家庄、成都、深圳)
Hometown (北京、成都、深圳、杭州)
Major (北京、 成都、长沙)
Art (北京、石家庄、深圳、杭州)
Writing (北京、杭州、深圳)
Housework (深圳、长沙)
Public transport (北京)
Bag (杭州)
Sleeping (杭州、北京)
Travelling (杭州)
Internet (北京、长沙)
Music (北京、成都、长沙)
Sports (北京、成都、长沙)
Relaxing (北京、长沙、石家庄)
Leisure time (北京)
Parks &Gardens (北京、长沙)
Weekend (北京、长沙、深圳)
Keeping Healthy(长沙、石家庄)
Boat (北京、深圳、杭州、成都)
Photograph (深圳、杭州)
Concentration (北京、石家庄、成都)
Dance (北京、石家庄)
Museum (北京、石家庄、杭州)
Building (北京、杭州、深圳、石家庄)
News (1月新题 成都)
Weather (成都)
Postcard (石家庄)
Part two
A good parent you know (1月新题 北京 )
A person whobecame your friend on the first day you met(1月新题 杭州)
Someone you know who are very polite (1月新题 北京、杭州)
A teenager yourknow (石家庄)
A Neighbor (深圳)
A recent changein your life(1月新题 北京、杭州、长沙、成都)
A perfect holiday(1月新题 北京 )
A speech or talk you have listened to (1月新题 长沙)
A situation you ever helped someone(1月新题 北京)
A team/groupproject (北京、深圳)
Leisureactivity on/near the sea you would like to try (北京、杭州)
A wrong decision someone made (北京、长沙)
A café you have been to (1月新题 北京)
Your favorite room (长沙、深圳)
A town/city you visited as a tourist (长沙)
A crowded place(1月新题 石家庄、杭州)
A game you likedin your childhood(not sports game)(1月新题 北京、 深圳、成都、杭州)
An importantmessage you received (1月新题 北京、成都、石家庄)
A foreign language that you want tolearn (except English) (1月新题、深圳)
An important plantin your country (1月新题 成都 )
A useful website that you like to visit(Or, that you have visited)(1月新题 深圳)
Somethingyou bought that you were not satisfied with (石家庄)
An important traditional event in yourcountry(长沙)
Your plan in thefuture(not for study and work)(石家庄)
A piece ofuseful electronic equipment (not computer) (北京、杭州、长沙)
A song whichmeans a lot to you (北京)
A childhood toy (北京、深圳、长沙、成都)
A vehicle(car/ bicycle)you would like to own in the future (深圳、石家庄、杭州)
A product you want to buy after you sawthe advertisement (1月新题 北京、长沙、成都)
Something usefulyou learned from your family member (石家庄、长沙)
Something you do for relaxing (成都)
A movie based ona real person or event (成都)
A math class inyour childhood(1月新题 北京、深圳)
A special meal (北京、杭州)