作为一个月一次的校长软文又和大家如期见面了。我作为曾经ETS 写作考官之一,始终对于网上流传的“满分样文”持保守赞同的态度。记得在上个月,我特此写了一篇软文给大家并且附上一篇可以获得5分的独立写作片段。
题目:Do you agree or disagree: the effective leaders try to make others feel they have been part of a decision-making。
A同学说:题目没错啊,因为这样做可以让同事有归属感,更加热爱企业!还有B同学回应:我觉得题目有问题,员工怎么可以和领导一起商量事情呢?毕竟员工懂得不多啊。大家看,这些观点都在围绕“员工要不要参与做决定”这个议题展开论述。你们觉得切题吗?别忘记,我们考官首先要看的评分要求是“effectively address the topic”。
In the realm of schooling, we convincingly claim that the principals of high schools or private colleges are suggested to be familiarized with the perspectives from the teaching staffs when making educational decisions, since this can ensure a more effective management in fundamental education。(这是作者的分论点:在教育领域来看的话,题目的说法没有错误的) A good example to start out is about how a wise decision on English classes is made(你们能学会这句话的语法结构吗?想想你们写作是如何引出例子的?难道只有一个for example吗?): if a principal expects to re-structure the courses being taught in the school, all the concerned English teachers ought to participate, since these teachers can offer invaluable suggestions to ameliorate the course-plans processes. The suggestions they pose may vary, ranging from how to successfully balance the time used for both listening section and reading comprehension and how to effectively help the students to memorize the words to how to wisely select the most appropriate textbooks for students at different ages. In this sense, with the aim at applicably managing the schools, the leaders should let the teaching staffs actively join in the processes of varied meetings。
Another, when taking the business field into account, we also advocate the general managers ought to entitle the colleagues or subordinates to be a part in the decision-making, due to a more streamlined implementation of commercial decisions。(这是作者的第二个分论点。大家和第一个比较一下,两者之间什么关系?) if a working staff is allowed to participate into the process of corporate decisions, he or she can actively voice opinions towards the issues being debated, which means these personal ideas may be widely heard or even adopted into the final decisions. In this sense, the concerned colleagues in the meeting will thus believe that all the businesses strategies and policies are made involving them. Put it this way, the forthcoming application is free from contrived or deliberate interruptions and even the denial from the “grassroots” in the corporation。(这个写作过程叫做原因推理:进一步分析为什么在商业机构中员工参与会让我们的决定贯彻更加顺畅) For example, since the fall of 1995, the Lenovo, one of the giant corporations producing electronic devices in the globe, has been permitting all the directly related departments of colleagues to attend the conferences discussing thinkpad X series-designing. You can easily imagine that this brand-new slim design, the business-style with black-colored cover, has been widely welcomed by the workers and assemblers。(列举具体事例证实前文的原因推理)。