
2014年09月22日15:14  新东方     收藏本文     



  It is not a good thing to move to a new city or country because we will lose old friends。

  看到这道题目,大家的观点应该是一致的,即不同意。那么,之后怎么去写呢。重读一下题目,我们不难发现,这是一道复合命题的题目,也就是题目中有着鲜明的因果关系,即:因为我们会失去老友,所以搬到新的地方不好。那要推出上述因果关系,有一个暗含的条件是 搬到新地方导致失去老友。所以我们只要去反驳掉这个前提,也就反驳了这个命题。所以笔者的思路如下:

  首先,直接否定掉因果关系存在的前提,即搬到新地方不会失去老友。 然后去解释原因,比如通讯技术的发展和交通方式的发达,都让人们能够随时联系。



  With the progress of urbanization, an increasing number of people are leaving their hometown and moving to a new place, which has aroused deeply social concern. When asked about whether it is advisable to move to a new city or country, many people, if not the most, are strong believers of the claim that moving to a new place leads to the loss of old friends. However, in my eyes, the above claim doesn’t bear more analysis。

  First of all, moving to a new place does not necessarily mean loss of old friends, in that the distance between people is no longer an obstacle for maintaining a friendship with the help of advanced communication devices and means of transportation. For one thing, such communication devices as telephones and the internet have made it possible to keep in touch with friends living far away from us. With the camera and microphone, our facial expressions and voice can be immediately transmitted to others, which is just like a face-to-face communication. For another, by using the well-developed transportation system , we are able to reach nearly anywhere in the world within a day. Take my own experience as an example. Last summer, Jack, one of my best friend, went to America for his master’s degree while I stayed in China for my study. However, this distance has never alienated our relationship, in that we often chatted online with Skype and even I took the international flight to visit him several times. While staying in America, we traveled together and had lots of fun, which would definitely enhance our friendship。

  Furthermore, moving to a new city or country will provide us with a good opportunity to meet new friends and gain more opportunities to achieve success. On one hand, it is self-evident that a new environment enables us to make acquaintance with more people from different background, thereby enlarging our social circle. This is especially true of moving to a foreign country. While staying in a foreign country, we can not only experience the exotic culture and conventions but also establish friendship with native people there. On the other hand, moving to a new city matters a lot to job seekers, especially those coming from rural areas. My brother, a bachelor of art, is a good case in point. While staying in hometown, he had no choice but to work in a local factory with low salary and little possibility to get a promotion. However, when he moved to Beijing, the situation became totally different. He used what he learned in college to land a good job in a large advertisement company and excelled at his jobs. Now he has become the manager of designing department. Therefore, I believe that it is the moving that has changed his path of life 。

  To sum up, we can conclude that it is a good choice to move to a new place because we can make more new friends and obtain more opportunities instead of losing old friends. Therefore, a new environment is full of challenges and fun。

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