2007年10月16日 11:09 新浪考试
下面是9月的话题汇总,10月份的考生可以拿来检查一下自己的准备情况。具体题目都可以在那个外教网站上找到的。 2007年9月话题汇总 Part 1 (study/work/hometown/accommodation)
1. ART activity 2. BOOK you read when you were a child 3. BUSINESS you would like to run 4. CAFE or restaurant 5. childhood GAME 6. CITY you have visited 7. ELECTRIC equipment 8. EMAIL or postcard you received during the holiday 9. ENJOYABLE event 10. ENVIRONMENTAL problem in your city 11. FAMILY event 12. FAMOUS person in China 13. FOREIGN LANGUAGE (apart from English) you would like to learn 14. FOREIGNER 15. GIFT you gave to others 16. HELPFUL person 17. HOTEL 18. HOUSE you want to live in 19. important CHANGE 20. JOB you want to do 21. LEADER 22. LETTER you received 23. LIBRARY 24. LOST item 25. NEW or EXCITING activity 26. NOVEL you have read 27. OCCASION of being late 28. OLD interesting person 29. OUTDOOR activity 30. perfect PARK, 31. PERSON who looked after you 32. PERSON you want to be similar to 33. PERSON you want to spend time with 34. PERSON you would like to talk to 35. PHOTOGRAPH 36. PLACE for swimming 37. PLACE you visited 38. PLACE you would like to visit 39. PROJECT you’ve done 40. school FRIEND 41. SHOP you like 42. SPORT activity you took part in before 43. SUCCESS you want to achieve 44. TRADITIONAL event 45. TRIP 46. TV program 47. Type of FILM you like 48. WEBSITE 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,新浪网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
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