
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 19:26   北文图书


  1. 名词在句子中可用作:

  1) 主语:

  My mother is upstairs. 我妈在楼上。

  2) 表语:

  She is my sister-in-law. 她是我嫂子。

  3) 宾语或介词的宾语:

  He is writing a letter. 他在写信。

  Let’s talk about the pictures. 咱们谈图画。

  4) 定语:

  She made a paper flower. 她做了一朵纸花。

  5) 同位语:

  He has great concern for us students. 他很关心我们同学。

  6) 呼语:

  Sit down, boys. 请坐,(男)同学们。

  7) 状语:

  The meeting lasted an hour. 会开了一个钟头。


  They made him their monitor.他们选他为班长。

  2. 在英语中用名词作定语时很多,如:

  time table 时刻表 orange juice 橘汁

  railway station 火车站 basket ball 篮球


  firefly 萤火虫 watermelon西瓜

  doorbell 门铃 doorway门道


  1. 说明下面名词在句中的语法作用:

  1) Who is this young woman? She’s his wife, Mrs. Black.

  2) They have two children, a son and a daughter.

  3) In the kitchen, there is a cooker, a cupboard and a fridge.

  4) I study music in our university.

  5) What time do you go to bed?

  6) They have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  7) Then they have desserts: pie, cake or ice-cream.

  8) 10:30 is bedtime for the King family.

  9) Lots of people are fond on sports.

  10) I can see the river Seine from my window.


  1) fax machine 2) town center

  3) DVD player 4) seat belt

  5) coffee table 6) savings bank

  7) travel arrangement 8) a company car

  9)check-in time 10) the city centre

  11) the weather report 12) life insurance

  13) long-distance call 14) the front door

  15) the window frames 16) the hotel kitchen


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