
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月03日 14:13   英语教师网


  1. The 2007 Special Olympic Games will be held in _______.

  A. Guangzhou B. Shanghai

  C. Shenyang D. Beijing

  2. Taiwan is _____ island of China. I hope to visit soon.

  A. big B. bigger

  C. biggest D. the biggest

  3. In many countries, teenagers under 18 should not _______ to enter Internet bars.

  A. allow B. be allowed

  C. is allowing D. are allowed

  4. In western countries _______ is the most important festival, just like Spring Festival in China.

  A. Christmas Day

  B. Mother’s Day

  C. Thanksgiving Day

  D. Children’s Day

  5. Mount Qomolangma, “the roof of the world”, is as ___as 8848.13 meters.

  A. tall B. taller

  C. high D. higher

  6. We need trees because they _____ CO2 , and let out O2.

  A. take off B. take in

  C. take out D. take away

  7. —What do you know about the world’s population?

  —I know China and _____ are the countries that have populations of more than one billion.

  A. Japan B. Russia

  C. America D. India

  8. September the ___ is Teachers’ Day. Let’s make some cards for our teachers.

  A. ten B. tenth C. nine D. ninth

  9. Liu Xiang is a super star, _____ he?

  A. Is B. is not C. isn’t D. doesn’t

  10. —It’s so hot. Let’s go swimming.


  A. Don’t say so that

  B. You’re welcome

  C. That’s nothing

  D. It’s a good idea

  (Keys:1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. D)

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