
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月10日 17:06   英语教师网

  61.…is another way of saying…什么是..的另一说法 Quick is another way of saying fast. Bike is short for bicycle.

  62. not…until…直到…才…

  63.be like像 , feel like +n./V-ing想要 , like best最喜欢 , would like to 想要

  64.the 24 hour clock 24小时制

  65.wash away冲走,run away逃跑 , take away带走

  66.before long不久 , long before / ago很久以前 , for long =for a long time长期, no longer = not. .any longer不再

  67.more or less = about或多或少,大约more than = over多于,超过

  68.every year每年 , every four years每隔四年 , every other day每隔一天 , everyday English / life日常英语/生活

  69. next to紧挨着, next door隔壁,邻居 , next year明年 , next time下次

  70.receive / get / have a letter from sb. = hear from sb 收到某人的来信

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