
2014年01月02日14:49  新浪教育 微博   

  since, 表显然的或已知的理由Since it’s already late, I must go now。

  for, 位置:…,for…。语气最弱。 I drove carefully, for it’s snowing。

  as有时也指“因为”,用法基本无限制。As I am ill, I won’t go。

  10.表推测:must, may, might, could, can, can’t


  There is the door bell, it must be Tom. 门铃响了,一定是汤姆(来了)。

  may / might“也许”一般用于肯定句, may比might可能性大。

  She is coming to us. She might be our new teacher。

  can / could“可能”could比can语气更委婉。但can多用于否定。

  You could be right, but I don’t think you are。

  The light in the office is off. The teacher can’t be there now。

  11.so与such区别:so是副词,后跟形容词/副词,so tall / slowly / carefully / young…

  such是形容词,后跟名词短语。such bad weather / good news /beautiful music…;

  such a beautiful girl / an important lesson / a heavy stone / an interesting lesson…;

  such kind boys / new desks / friendly people / amazing movies / clever children…;

  若名词前形容词是many, much, few, little时,不用such, 而用so。

  so many flowers / much rain / few friends / little water…

  也常有“so / such …that…”句型,译为“如此…以致于…”。

  12.so的另两个用法:1so + be / 情态动词 / 助动词 + 主语,“…也”

  上下文所指不是同一个人或物。 The twins are working, so am I。

  I will leave tonight, and so will Peter. If you go there, so will I . (最后一句参见语法2)

  又如:A: I woke up late this morning. B: So did I。

  2so + 主语 + be/情态动词 / 助动词,“的确…是”上下文所指是同一个人或物。

  A: We have lunch at school. B: So you do。

  又如:A: Bruce can work out the problem. B: So he can. (注意以上黑体字的照应)

  13.neither / nor用法之一:neither / nor + be / 情态动词 / 助动词 + 主语

  “…也不”上文是否定句。She didn’t get well, nor did her brother。


  Tim isn’t going to do his work, neither is John。

  又如:A: Jim hasn’t had breakfast. B: Neither have I. (注意以上黑体字的照应)

  14.keep, make, get, have用法:

  1keep + sb / sth doing sth “让…一直做…” I’m sorry for keeping you waiting so long. (区别:keep + doing sth “坚持做某事,一直做某事”)

  2make + sb / sth do sth让…做某事(接动原) I’ll try to make you understand what I mean。

  I feel sorry that I have made him wait for long。


  I made him wait for long. →He was made to wait for long。

  3get + sb / sth to do sth。让…做某事。He got Peter to buy him a pen。

  4have + 宾语+ 动词原形 / ing / 过去分词

  Have him do it, please。让他做它吧。(him 和 do 逻辑上形成主谓关系,do用原形。)

  We had the machine working。我们让机器一直工作着。(让某物一直在进行着某事。)

  We had the machine repaired。我们让人修理了那台机器(让机器被修理了,表被动。)

  5也都可接形容词:keep safe / busy, keep the door closed / open,

  make us happy, get the door closed, have everything ready. get her ears pierced。

  15.used短语:used to + 动原,“过去常常” He used to smoke。

  be used to 译为“被用于…”,后接动原。 It is used to cut things. (主语是物)

  be used to 译为“习惯于…”,后接动词ing或名词 / 代词. (主语常是人)

  如:He’s used to working late. We are used to the country life. Are you used to it?

  be used for “被用于…”,后接名词或动词ing (主语也是物) 如:

  English is used for business. Knives are used for cutting things。

  16. through / past / across 区别: 都可作介词,“穿过”,前常有位移动词(以下黑体部分)。

  He climbed through the window and saw what he could take away. (从窗户内部经过)

  He went past me without saying any words. (从我旁边经过)

  He swam across the river. (从河的表面经过)【through,内部; past,旁边; across,表面】

  位移动词 + past 有时相当于动词pass; 位移动词 + across有时相当于动词cross。

  17.the number of / a number of: 前者“…的数量”;后者“许多的”


  The number of the trees is two thousand. (用单数谓语. 另注意trees前有限定词)

  A number of trees have been cut down. (用复数谓语. 另注意trees前无限定词)




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