

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月18日 14:08   自考365


  整章删节 chapter 13

  chapter 14

  P.230 2.Hispanics

  P.232 3.Asian-Americans

  P.233 4.Indians

  P.234 5.white ehtnics

  chapter 15

  P.243 V.The War of 1812

  chapter 16

  P.253 倒数第二行 Pushed by the Progressive Movement,……至P.254章节结束

  chapter 17

  P.267 III The Berlin blockade and the Founding of the NATO

  P.269 IV U.S. Support of Chiang Kaishek and the Korean War

  P.271 VI The Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s

  P.273 The Cuban Missile Crisis

  P.280 XII Watergate Scandal

  chapter 18

  P.287 II Natural Resources

  P.288 III American Agriculture

  P.292 IV American Industry


  P.301 3.Provisions for amendment

  P.302 1.The Presidency

  P.304 3.The executive departments

  P.305 4.The independent agencies

  P.306 1.A Two-chamber Congress

  P.307 3.Officers of the Congress

  P.308 4.Functions of the Congress

  chapter 20


  chapter 21

  P.343 II Architecture

  P.344 III Music

  chapter 22

  P.350 II Martin Luther King's Day (Third Monday of January)

  P.350 III Lincoln' Birthday (February 12)

  P.352 V Washington's Birthday (February 22)

  P.354 VII Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)

  P.356 X Veterans' Day (November 11)


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