
学而思教育集团首席财务官Joseph Kauffman

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月19日 15:29   新浪教育
学而思教育集团首席财务官Joseph Kauffman
学而思教育集团首席财务官Joseph Kauffman

  Joseph Kauffman has served as our Chief Financial Officer since June 2010. Prior to joining us, Mr. Kauffman headed M&A and international business development at New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc., where he joined the senior management team before its initial public offering on the New York Stock Exchange in 2006. Between 1999 and 2004, Mr. Kauffman was a senior manager at The Coca-Cola Company in China and held various operating, strategy and business development roles. Mr. Kauffman received his bachelor's degree from Williams College in 1999 and an MBA degree from the Harvard Business School in 2006.

  Joseph Kauffman自2010年6月起担任学而思教育集团首席财务官。加入学而思教育集团前,Mr. Kauffman在新东方教育科技集团主管并购和国际业务拓展,他于新东方2006年在纽约证券交易所首次公开发行前加入其管理层团队。1999年和2004年之间,Mr. Kauffman担任可口可乐(中国)公司的高级经理,负责各种运营、战略和业务拓展方面的工作。Mr. Kauffman于1999年获得美国Williams College(威廉姆斯学院)学士学位,于2006年获得哈佛商学院的MBA学位。




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