保华国际教育园项目一期建设面积约6万平米,占地面积逾 178亩。教育园包含三个组成部分:主要招收中国学生的耀华国际教育学校、招收外籍学生的耀中国际学校,以及作为国际学术及文化交流平台的学而国际会议中心。
借助主礼嘉宾的演讲和协助,让那一对来自不同文化背景的中外孩子得以看到全世界,接触不同国家和地区的文化背景和生活习惯。孩子手牵手出场,欣喜地说:“谢谢你们!我们的梦想成真了!”嘉宾也被孩子们的喜悦所感染,并体验到多元文化和东西融合的理念。大家都为孩子们的梦想达成而报以热烈的掌声。当日表演的所有学生再一次上台,和在场的嘉宾及媒体一起合唱一曲“We Are The World / 天下一家”,把现场气氛推至最高峰,充分表现出世界大同的精神。
演讲及学生演出后,陈保琼博士、叶国华教授正式启动保华国际教育园的奠基仪式。现场的屏幕展示出教育园园址所在,占地面绩达178亩,凉水河流经园区, 两岸将会是青郁的绿化带。在主持人的引导下,北京市有关领导、大兴区有关领导、北京经济技术开发区管委会有关领导、陈保琼博士、叶国华教授、两位家长[微博]代表及两位来自耀华、耀中的学生代表共同为奠基石培土,现场气氛热烈,媒体朋友及嘉宾们纷纷拍照留念。在北京经济技术开发区管委会、北京经济技术投资开发总公司的鼎力支持下,大家将在保华国际教育园一同见证中外文化的交融, 共同建立美好的未来。
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Foundation Ceremony launches the firstBP International Education Park in Beijing
A New Modern Living and EducationExperience
YIZHUANG BEIJING May 9, 2012 -A foundationceremony to kick start the construction of the first BP International EducationPark (IEP) in China marks the beginning of a new era for Beijing Economic andTechnological Development Zone and the economic zones around Beijing. Theeducation park will provide an exceptional new experience combininginternational education with creative modern living。
Attending the ceremony were Ms. Yin Xiao Jing (DeputyDirector of Liaison Office of the Central Peoples Government in the Hong KongS.A.R。), Mr. Gou Zhong Wen (Director of Beijing Municipal), relevant officialsfrom the Beijing Daxing District, relevant officials from the Beijing Economicand Technological Development Zone Administrative Commission and Co-Founders ofBP International Education Park Professor Paul Yip and Dr. Betty Chan, theDirector of Yew Chung International School (YCIS) and Yew Wah InternationalEducation School.The event was attended by more than300 guests including students, parents, government officials and media. Thefoundation ceremony was opened by two children - one Chinese and one foreign -to represent the sharing of one dream to learn more about the world. Studentsfrom both YCIS and Yew Wahgave musical and dance performances to illustrate therichness of both Eastern and Western cultures of IEP。
The IEP has three main components: YewChung International School, which admits foreign students, Yew WahInternational Education School, which admits only domestic students,and theScholars International Conference Centre with public and social spaces foreducational and cultural interchanges。
Dr. Chan, Co-Founder of IEP spokesaying“The age of globalisation is a reality and technology has transformed ourdaily lives. The balance of economic power is moving to the East, especiallyafter the financial tsunami. This confluence of forces represents a paradigmshift that is affecting people in all professions, industries and fields ofendeavour, and education, of course, is no exception. Both YCIS and Yew Wah share thesame international education philosophy, and are committee to nurturingand empowering the next generation of leaders in today’s globalized world. Our unique education programmes represent the best of both Easternand Western cultures and values, equipping our students with a truly global mindset. We alsoactively promote strong biliteracy skills in Chinese and English, and placegreat emphasis on students’ character formation and personal growth。”
The schools include the best of bothEastern and Western education in early childhood, primary and secondaryschools, and prepare students for university。
“Our unique cooperative model, whichcombines Chinese and Western Co-Principals and Co-Teachers, creates adual-culture learning environment and exemplifies acceptance and tolerance ofdiverse ideas, values and customs,”explains Dr. Chan。
On the decision to build the first IEPin Yizhuang, Co-Founder Professor Yip said, “We were the first organization to buildinternational schools in China during the early 1990s and now the achievementsare obvious. This is the beginning of another historic stage. The main objective of IEP is to educate people further on the quality oflife in a globalizing society。”
The first phase of IEP will be completedin 2013. It will serve the community by providing an all-round internationaleducation and leisure facilitiesand services covering music, culture, arts and sportsplus entertainment. IEP aims todevelop high-quality international citizens andChinese nationals and to promote culture and material civilization。
The closing of the ceremony included a performancehighlighted by students leading the guests in singing ‘We Are the World’ tounderscore the spirit of an increasing connected and globalized society.
Notes to Editors:
1. IEP occupies a total of 178 acres ofland and is located in a green zone.
2.The foundation ceremony was jointly officiated by Mr.Yin Xiao Jian, Mr. Gou Zhong Wen,relevantofficials from the Beijing Daxing District, relevant officials from the BeijingEconomic and Technological Development Zone Administrative Commission, Dr. Betty Chan, Professor Paul Yip, twoparents and two students from YCIS and YewWah。
3. The IEP project is supported byBeijing Daxing District and Beijing Economicand Technological Development Zone Administration Committee。
Media Enquiries, please contact:
Yew Chung International School of Beijing
Tel:(86 10) 8583 3731
Yew Wah International Education School
Tel:(86 10) 8581 4299
Beijing Yizhuang BP International Education Park
RuderFinn Public Relations Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd - Maggie Chi
Address:E101, East Lake Villas, 35 Dongzhimenwai Main Street, Dongcheng District,Beijing 100027
Tel:(010) 64627321-637