弋果美语Doherty Hannah:美加同步 国际接轨

弋果美语Doherty Hannah:美加同步 国际接轨
2019年09月06日 16:05 新浪教育



  以下为弋果美语外教主管Doherty Hannah专访实录:

  主持人:各位网友大家好,欢迎来到中国教师盛典暨新浪2019五星金牌教师评选颁奖典礼系列访谈节目,本一时段我们邀请到了来自弋果美语外教主管Doherty Hannah.Hello,Ms.Hannah!Please say hello to our friends。

  Doherty Hannah:Hello everyone!


  Question 1: First of all, congratulations to American Eagle Institute on winning the 2019 Sina Five-Star Gold Medal Award。 Each teacher should be responsible for improving the quality of their teaching and the education of their students。 What efforts has Eagle made to create high quality courses?

  Doherty Hannah:一方面是教材,我们采用斥巨资与美国麦格罗。希尔教育集团(McGraw Hill)战略合作开发的国际化教材及多年自主研发教材。课程设置参照了美加课程体系,打造了沉浸式的美语环境,致力于为孩子带来真正的美加课堂环境和教育资源。



  Answer1: The first approach has been through our textbook selection。 We use international textbooks developed with our long-term strategic partner, McGraw Hill。 We have also independently developed textbooks for many years。 The curriculum design for these books is paired to the standards of North America。 This helps us create an immersive English environment, and shows we’re committed to building a real North American classroom environment within our Eagle schools。

  Another important factor in our success has been a strict selection process for foreign teachers。 High standards have been set in professional accomplishment, English ability, teaching skills and an understanding of child-development。 All foreign teachers at American Eagle must come from native English-speaking countries and hold university degrees。

  Last but not least, we have an excellent training system, which includes our New Teacher‘s Training, Staff Onboarding Training and Advanced Teacher Training。 So while Foreign teachers of American Eagle are teaching, they are also learning at the same time。 Through this approach, foreign teachers improve their teaching ability and frequently attend workshops and trainings。 We are committed to keeping pace with new educational techniques and concepts of North America。


  Question 2: Would you please share with us the original intention of American Eagle Institute? And how-to deep culture in the field of education?

  Doherty Hannah:弋果从创办之初,就以‘美加同步、国际接轨’为目标。坚持导入与美加一致的分级进阶学制标准,提供学生进入全球舞台的国际化标准课程,协助提升学习效率与个人能力的多元化成长。


  Answer 2: Since its inception, American Eagle has been aiming at “ US-Canada Synchronization, International Integration ”。 We Insist on introducing education system that put learners in appropriate levels which in accordance with the US and Canada。 We provide international standard courses for students to enter the global stage, and help them to improve learning efficiency and diversified growth of individual abilities。

  American Eagle institute is a rare pioneer in our country who is starting from quality education and committed to the solution of exam-oriented education at the same time。 We always maintained the educational resources and concepts of “ US-Canada Synchronization, International Integration ”。 In addition, we have always been at the forefront of the times and constantly innovated。 This year, we have also introduced the learning mode “Eagle Online” which is popular in the United States and Canada。 Using science and technology to enable education, and using more scientific educational methods to further cultivate the field of English education。


  Question 3: Since Teacher’s day is around the corner, please send a blessing to our teachers。

  Doherty Hannah:希望金牌教师这个评选活动越办越好,为教育行业带来更多好老师、好机构。

  Answer 3: Teachers, we wish you all the best! We hope that with the help of the Five-Star Teacher Competition, more and more people will join the field of education and enjoy teaching!

  主持人:谢谢Ms.Hannah,Thank you so much and enjoy it!

  Doherty Hannah:Thank you!










