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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(四) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§15.3

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/06/10 15:56  新浪教育

  Nikky: u know, it would really be disappointing if we start off the tournament great and then just kind of fizzle out(你知道,要是开场不错,但是最后却仍然失败而归,这才是真正令人失望的).【注】fizzle out终于失败

  Brian: but I think even u don’t have a good result in the second round, it was definitely a good start for the US. (即使第二轮美国打的不好的话,对葡萄牙的那场球已经是个好的开始了)

  Nikky: yes, it was a good start.

  Brian: so what u think of the South Korea, do u think there is any chance for US team to win them? (你觉得韩国队怎么样,美国队有可赢么?)


  Nikky: they r formidable(强大的、令人敬畏的) oppenents.

  Brian: did u watch their play before? (你有没有看过韩国队的比赛?)

  Nikky: yeah, they play excellent football. (他们打的非常好)

  Brian: u watch it?

  Nikky: yes, they played excellent football in their 2-0 defeat of Poland(波兰).

  Brian: they got the whole nation behind them.


  Nikky: so it was time.

  Brian: Monday would be virtually a guarantee for either US or South Korea.

  Nikky: yes, with both tems on three points, the victory for any will be for the next round.


  Brian: the korean supporter are play incredible atmosphere(韩国的球迷在现场制造了不可思议的气氛)

  Nikky: yes, like bumble bees from the tv.

英文ICQ狂聊记录§16.1(2002/07/01/ 15:11)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§16.2(2002/07/01/ 15:09)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§15.14(2002/06/21/ 16:14)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§15.16(2002/06/21/ 16:03)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§15.15(2002/06/19/ 13:09)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(四) 专题



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