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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(四) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§15.1

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/06/10 16:05  新浪教育

  Brian: hi

  Nikky: hi, brian

  Brian: it was a great pleasure to see your 3-2 defeat of portugal(葡萄牙)

  Nikky: it's a huge pleasure, and historic(历史性的)!!

  Brian: did u watch it?

  Nikky: yeah, in the morning, we didn’t actually expect that.

  Brian: that's a sunrise shock(日出后的惊喜), isn’t it?


  Nikky: u can say that.

  Brian: as I know, the US only beat England 1-0 in the world cup finals in 1950(美国只在1950年世界杯赛上打败过一次英格兰队)

  Nikky: yes, so it was our most famous triumph(胜利).

  Brian: did u work that day, it's not weekends?

  Nikky: we got days off. (我们放假了)

  Brian: so americans were as happy as u when they hear about the news, right? (美国人是不是跟你一样高兴?)

  Nikky: yeah, we were so happy, but yesterday's euphoria(狂喜) was dampened(使沮丧)

  Brian: for what?

  Nikky: our captain Earnie Stewart would miss Monday's D match against Korea. (美国队队长斯图尔特可能不会参加星期一对韩国的比赛了)

  Brian: I knew this guy, he is a perfect midfielder(中场).

  Nikky: yes.

  Brian: what happened to him, I just knew that he got injury somewhere(我只知道他身上受伤了).

  Nikky: I don’t know either, It reported that he went off(下场) with a groin(腹沟)injury in the first half against Portugal.

  Brian: so he will not be in the match against Korea?

  Nikky: it's not likely, but we’ll see. (现在还不知道,要看情况)

  Brian: so who will stand in for him again if, u know…. (如果他不能上的话,谁会代替他呢)

  Nikky: Veteran, I guess

  Brian: Veteran Cobi Jones?

  Nikky: yes, he replaced Stewart on Wednesday, he would be the logical choice(他应该是合适的人选)

英文ICQ狂聊记录§16.1(2002/07/01/ 15:11)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§16.2(2002/07/01/ 15:09)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§15.14(2002/06/21/ 16:14)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§15.16(2002/06/21/ 16:03)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§15.15(2002/06/19/ 13:09)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(四) 专题



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