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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(四) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§15.10

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/06/17 15:44  新浪教育

  Nikky: this time, Korea and Japan are doing well【注】这次日本和韩国的表现让我们感到,为什么人家的进步这么大,而我们总是在原地踏步。

  Brian: but if u look back for ten years, Japan was not China’s competitor.


  Brian: just ten years, we are still who we were, but Japan improved a lot.

  Nikky: so did Mexico

  Brian: but I am a Korean fan and I think that they can even beat Italy in the coming match, but it will be hard for them.


  Nikky: actually I didn’t know too much about Korea and Korean, but the World Cup let me have some whereabouts(下落,这里指的状况,情况等) in it.

  Brian: it did the same to me, even I used to be there for a business trip.

  Nikky: that’s good, what memorizes u most? (什么使你印象最深?)

  Brian: Korean Barbecue, but u will feel under the weather if it keeps u eat the barbecue all the time. (韩国烤肉,但是如果天天吃烤肉的话,你也会感到很难受的。)

  Nikky: will u watch the US vs Mexico match-up? (你会看美国Vs墨西哥的比赛么?)

  Brian: yes, I will by no means(决不) miss it, and u?

  Nikky: I will view it, it is not that late here to see(我也会看的,我们这边看这场比赛并不晚。).

  Brian: :) that’s the number one question that Americans have today. (我想这是现在美国的头等大事吧。)

  Nikky: yes, what should we be talking about? Should we be talking about the war? Should we be talking about the kidnapping? We’re talking about too much.

  Brian: so u should be talking about the ratings(比赛名次,这里特指世界杯), right?

  Nikky: u’re a sophisticated person, I think u’re sophisticated enough to know that when u----- watch all this material.

  Brian: I’ve watched some of it. I haven’t watched all of it. (我看过其中的一些比赛,没有看全)

  Nikky: well it’d be nice for u to watch it.

  Brian: what u think of the US soccer, nikky, I have to ask u that question again. (你对美国足球怎么看,这个问题我得再一遍)

  Nikky: A couple of weeks ago, I didn't think I would care about the World Cup Soccer Tournament, but I admit I actually have paid some attention to the U.S. Soccer team. They won their first game, tied the second and are moving on to the next round even though they lost today, figure that out. That's soccer for you. It ain't the NBA.


  Brian: I didn’t see that game between US vs Poland, we didn’t air(转播)this game.


英文ICQ狂聊记录§16.1(2002/07/01/ 15:11)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§16.2(2002/07/01/ 15:09)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§15.14(2002/06/21/ 16:14)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§15.16(2002/06/21/ 16:03)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§15.15(2002/06/19/ 13:09)
Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(四) 专题



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