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Defending with Walls a Folly through History
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/12/17 11:44  《英语学习》

  Nearly desperate to ward off(注1)suicide bombers(注2),Israel is thinking about building a security fence to wall out(注3) Palestinians. "It's not very difficult to construct," former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared recently.

  But it's hard to envision(注4) exactlyswheresit would go. Something elaborate and intricate(注5) enough to protect the myriad(注6) settlements scattered in the West Bank(注7) seems impractical. But the more important questions is whether walls work, and if any lesson can be drawn from history. Walling oneself off from the enemy goes back at least to the Trojans(注8) ?one of the more famous examples of a barricade(注9) that failed to accomplish its mission.

  Walls can be circumvented(注10) by changes in technology, population pressures on the other side and the mobility and stealth of the enemy. The Great Wall of China was unsuccessful, according to William McNeill, a professor of the history at the University of Chicago, because it was too long. The nomads(注11) who were China's enemies could move faster on horses than the Chinese infantry, enabling them to mass fighters at any point along the wall before the Chinese could scurry(注12) to repel them. In the end, the Chinese kept their enemies at bay not by blocking them but by reaching accommodations(注13) with them.

  The history of walls was accompanied by the invention of various devices to breach(注14) them, from catapults(注15) to multistory contraptions(注16) that could be hauled up to the enemy fortifications. Genghis Khan(注17), the Mongol invader, attacked Chinese walls with projectile(注18)-firing equipment that could be carried on wagons and pack animals.

  A dramatic example of walls and technology changing the course of history is recalled in a new book, "The Shield of Achilles," by Philip Bobbitt. He cites the destruction of the walls surrounding Constantinople (now Istanbul)in 1453 as a turning point in the development of the modern state. Built on seven hills overlooking the Bosporus, Constantinople was regarded as impregnable(注19) until the Ottoman Turks battered its walls to rubble with a new invention: huge wrought-iron tubes(注20) that could fire balls made out of stone.

  Turkish cannons were unwieldy(注21), but French experts discovered they could make cannon balls with the same process used to forge church bells. At the end of the 15th century, Charles VIII of France invaded the Italian Peninsula with his new cannons.

  Perhaps the last great wall theorist was Sebastien Le Prestre de Vauban(注22), chief military engineer under Louis XIV of France. Acknowledging that it was impossible to make a wall that couldn't be breached, he constructed a series of walls featuring zigzags to slow the enemy down in time for reinforcements to arrive. The modern heir to Vauban's fortifications is the Demilitarized Zone(注23) on the Korean Peninsula, an elaborate set of barriers that could probably do little more than temporarily impede(注24) an invasion from the North. What prevents North and South Korea from gettingsintosa war, many experts agree, is not the DMZ but deterrence(注25) ?the willingness of either side to retaliate against the other with full force.

  Modern history has not generally looked kindly on walls. One of the most famous walls was the colossally(注26) unsuccessful system of fortifications overseen by the French War Minister Andr? Maginot in the 1930s. It's only achievement was to give the French a false sense of security against the Germans, who easily circumvented the Maginot Line(注27) by sweeping through Belgium. The Berlin Wall succeeded in keeping Germans out of the West, but whatever its security value, it served as a potent(注28) symbol of Soviet power at that time.

  Studying these examples, Israelis might conclude that walls can slow down a determined enemy, but never work fully; that walls are not a substitute for political accommodations, and that they can serve as a focus for enemy propaganda far outweighing whatever sense of security they provide. Putting up a wall is not so much a strategy as a symbol for the absence of one.



  美国现代诗人罗伯特-弗洛斯特(Robert Frost)曾有一句诗:有了好篱笆才有好邻家(Good fences make good neighbors)。这有一定的道理,因为“好篱笆”可以把互相之间的界限弄得很明确:你的、我的,里头的、外边的,而邻居之间的不和常常是由于这些鸡毛蒜皮的事情引起的。但这必须有一个条件,即双方在主观上有和平共处的愿望。这也就是好篱笆可以维持好邻家,而万里长城却阻挡不了蒙军南下、清兵入关的原因。

  原文作者历数了世界历史上最著名的几处“防卫墙”的命运。特洛伊城墙因古希腊人的特洛伊木马计而不攻自破;中国的万里长城也难以承担其使命,因为北方游牧民族机动性强,而汉族的步兵由于防线过长而疲于奔命,结果是阻挡不成,只能采取“和亲”这样的通融办法;而技术的进步更是使城墙的处境难堪,如成吉思汗发明了弩炮、云梯和机动化的投射器,南宋的城墙便一攻即破;其后的奥斯曼土耳其人发明了巨大的锻铁管投石器,君士坦丁堡的城墙即使是筑在七座山上也只能落得个“化为瓦砾”的命运;法国路易十四时代的著名军事家沃邦建造了一系列“之”字形的城墙要塞,其目的仅仅是为了延缓敌军的进攻速度,因为身为攻城专家的他明白没有攻不破的墙的道理。到了现当代,作者举了三个例子,即朝鲜半岛的“非军事区”、法国“二战”前建造的马其诺防线以及柏林墙。马其诺防线由于德军的绕行而根本失去作用,柏林墙已经被拆毁,而朝鲜半岛的“非军事区”也仅仅是因为南北双方相互的军事威慑才勉强维持。柏林墙当时作为“铁幕”的一个象征,曾经在六十、八十年代吸引了美国的肯尼迪、里根两任总统先后在其脚下搭台演讲予以抨击,并被指责为“Evil Empire”的物证。而今,在柏林墙倒塌十年后,以色列政府居然在美国人的支持下加紧建造所谓的“安全墙”,一方面把大片巴勒斯坦土地圈进来,一方面把巴勒斯坦人民圈出去。也许有一天我们照样可以听到关于“推倒它”的演说,但可以肯定站在台上的绝不会是美国的政治家了。



  从稍远处说有八十年代之前南非的“种族隔离”制度(Apartheid),即建一堵“墙”把黑人等有色人种隔离在外。有意思的是,推翻这堵墙的不仅有从外面用力的曼德拉,还有像特洛伊木马典故里说的那样从里面出来攻城的白人,他们和“城外”人同仇敌忾,去年获得诺贝尔文学奖的南非白人女作家戈迪默(Nadine Gordimer)就是一个例子。当然,现在种族隔离作为一种制度在南非已不存在了,但是种族歧视这堵顽固的“墙”在世界范围内还是未倒。更有甚者,这种歧视已演变为国家歧视、制度歧视,如把某些国家定为“无赖国家”、“邪恶轴心”,等等。



《英语学习》2002年11期 专题
在别的世界里歌唱(2002/12/16/ 13:05)
为未来而演奏(2002/12/12/ 11:47)
山顶布道(1)(2002/12/09/ 13:24)
够好(2002/12/05/ 11:29)
谎话还能说多久(2002/12/03/ 12:56)


1. ward off:抵挡,防止。

2. suicide bomber:自杀性爆炸者。这是近两年巴勒斯坦青年为了报复以色列屠杀巴勒斯坦人民,把他们从被占领土上驱赶出去的主要暴力斗争方式。

3. wall out:用墙把……围在外面。这里wall用作动词,同样用法的还有本段的wall oneself off from the enemy,即“把敌人用墙与自己隔离开来”。

4. envision:想像,展望;envision exactly where it would go,想像这堵墙的结果会怎样。

5. elaborate and intricate:精心制作、复杂精细的。

6. myriad:不计其数的。

7. West Bank: (约旦河)西岸,巴勒斯坦的重要地区,是被以色列封锁最严密的巴勒斯坦领土,最近成了以色列当局流放其他地区巴勒斯坦抵抗者及其家属的处所。

8. Trojan:特洛伊人的,特洛伊(Troy)的。特洛伊是小亚西亚西北部的古城。古希腊时,这里发生过著名的特洛伊战争(Trojan War),特洛伊木马(Trojan Horse)的典故由此而来。

9. barricade:路障,街垒。

10. circumvent:绕过。






16.multistory contraption:有数层楼高的奇妙机械装置(即云梯)。

17.genghis Khan: (元太祖)成吉思汗(1162-1227)。

18. projectile:投掷物。

19. impregnable:坚不可摧的。

20. wrought-iron tube:锻铁管。

21. unwieldy:笨重的。

22.Sebastien Le Prestre de Vauban:沃邦(1633-1707),法国元帅、军事工程师,创造“平行壕逐次攻击法”,指挥过53个要塞的围攻战,制订“炮火攻击原则”。著有《论要塞的攻击和防御》等。

23. Demilitarized Zone:非军事区。

24. impede:阻止。

25. deterrence:威慑。

26. colossally:巨大地,罕见地。

27.maginot Line:马其诺防线(二战前法国在东部国境上所筑的防御阵地体系,1940年德国军队从比利时绕过此防线攻入法境,使防线失去作用)。

28. potent:举足轻重的,有影响力的。


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