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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 什么在吃你

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/02/21 17:07  世博英语



  What's eating you?

  a.I am eating breakfast!

  b.I am in great trouble now!

  (music bridge)

  1) What's eating you?什么事情让你心烦?

  What's eating you=/what are you eating

  What's eating you=what's bothering you?

  形象记忆:There is a flea in your hair.

  (music bridge)

  2) I will work out everyday!我要每天锻炼身体!

  -You are supposed to work out everyday.

  -but i don't have a job now!i am just a student!

  work out不是出去工作的意思!

  work out指参加体育锻炼!

  You are supposed to work out everyday!你应该每天参加体育锻炼

  I will work out everyday.我要每天参加体育锻炼.


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