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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/02/25 10:00  世博英语



  Eight Killed as Train Derails Near Sydney

  Eight people were killed and at least 12 seriously injured when a rush-hour commuter train derailed in rugged bushland south of Sydney on Friday, trapping passengers.

  It took rescuers more than three hours to free the passengers trapped in the twisted wreckage of the four-carriage train. Police initially used rocks to smash their waysintostwo overturned carriages.

  The derailed train was lying zig-zagged across the track as people were carried away from the scene on stretchers, covered in blood and wrapped in bandages. About 36 ambulances were on standby to ferry the injured to nearby hospitals.

  【本节要点】:derail, trap, ferry



  第一段中,a rush-hour commuter train意为“一列上班高峰时间的通勤列车”。Rush-hour,我想大家都很熟悉啦,就是“交通高峰时间,交通拥挤时间”,还可以说peak-hour.请再看一个例子:

  I got caught in the rush-hour traffic.我遇上了高峰时间的车辆,寸步难行。

  Commuter,其动词形式是commute,意思是“定期往返于两地间,每天往返上下班”. commuter,即“每天往返上下班的人,跑通勤的人”。这里用如形容词,commuter train,就是“通勤列车”的意思。另外,commute一字也可做名词,此时表示来回往返的实例,尤指来回往返的路程。例如:a 22-mile commute二十二英里的通勤路程.


  Renewed fighting threatened to derail the peace talks.再次发生的交战将要中断和平谈判。


  Twenty miners were trapped underground after the gas explosion.瓦斯爆炸后有二十名矿工被困井下。

  还可以用get caught, stick表示相近的意思,例如:

  The company is caught between the need to invest more money and the need to keep costs as low as possible.公司陷入了既需要增加投资,又需要尽可能压缩费用的两难境地。

  The wheels of the car stuck in the mud and we could not go on.车轮陷入泥里,我们不能前进了。

  第二段中,wreckage,指失事后飞机、车辆或轮船的残骸。我们还可以使用remains, ruins, remnants等,不过要注意这些词都是复数形式。Smash their way into是一个生动的说法,即警察用石块砸碎车厢的玻璃等进入车厢搜寻幸存者的。请再看一例:

  An uncontrolled race car slammed its waysintosthe roadside onlookers.一辆失控的赛车撞向路边旁观的人群。

  第三段中,on standby,这又是个很有用的短语,意为“待命”。Ferry,做名词的意思是“渡口、渡船”,做动词为“乘渡船度过”,更进一步引申为“(用交通工具)运送”。再看一例:

  The organization uses planes to ferry food to the refugees.这个组织用飞机向难民运送食品。






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