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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/06 09:41  世博英语

  U.S. Sends Bombers to Guam to Deter N.Korea


  【注释】bomber,轰炸机,另外,fighter-战斗机, carrier-运输机, reconnaissance plane-侦察机,等等。Deter,“阻止,威慑,威吓”:The government is bringing in stricter laws to deter drunken drivers.政府正准备制定更严格的法律以阻止酒后驾车。Deterrent,“威慑的,阻吓的”: Do you think the threat of punishment has a deterrent effect?你认为惩罚的威胁会起到阻吓作用吗?又,the nuclear deterrent,核威慑力量。

  WASHINGTON/SEOUL (Reuters) - With tension rising sharply over North Korea's nuclear weapons ambitions, the United States is sending 24 B-1 and B-52 bombers to the island of Guam in the Pacific to deter any aggression by Pyongyang in case of a war in Iraq , defense officials said on Tuesday.


  【注释】ambition,“a strong desire to achieve something野心,抱负”:The important question is whether he is prepared to go to war to achieve his territorial ambitions.问题在于他是否会为实现其领土野心而准备发动战争。In case of,“如果发生,在…的时候”:a number to call in case of emergency.万一发生意外打的号码。也可以作in the case of.注意把它和in case区分开来,后者的意思是(1)“以防万一”:Take your coat in case it rains.带着雨衣吧,以防下雨。(2)“如果,假使”:In case they’re late, we can always sit in the bar.如果他们来晚了,我们可以在酒吧里坐一坐。

  The U.S. officials said the deployment was a prudent measure to maintain peace in Korea but they said it was not prompted by the interception of an unarmed U.S. Air Force reconnaissance jet by North Korean fighters in international air space over the Sea of Japan on Sunday.


  【注释】prudent,“小心谨慎的,审慎的”:It would be prudent to read the contract properly before signing it.慎重的做法是在署名之前先把合同仔细看一遍。它的反义词是imprudent,名词形式是prudence,另请注意prudery的意思是“拘谨,一本正经”,是个贬义词。Prompt,“cause or urge,促使,催促,引起”:The sight of the ships prompted thoughts of his distant home.看到船使他想起遥远的故乡。Prompt作形容词是意思是(1)“立刻的,即时的”:It's a fairly serious problem that requires prompt action.这是个相当严重的问题,需要立即作出反应;(2)“准时的,守时的”:She’s usually very prompt.她通常总是很准时的。

  "These movements are not aggressive in nature," said Navy Lt. Cmdr. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman. "Deploying these additional forces is a prudent measure to bolster our defensive posture and as a deterrent."


  【注释】bolster,“支持,增强,鼓励,增加”:Everyone needs to be bolstered up once in a while.每个人都时不时的需要些鼓励。I need to find some way of bolstering my earnings.我需要找些增加收入的途径。Posture,“布置,安排”:the posture of the buildings on the land.建筑物在陆地上的相对位置。它还指“身体某部位的姿势”:I had to bend over in a rather uncomfortable posture.我不得不弯下身子,那种姿势实在很不舒服。或“态度,立场”:For the third time this week the opposition has attacked the government's posture on defense.这是本周内反对派第三次抨击政府在国防问题上的立场。


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