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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/07 09:56  世博英语


  朋友们,大家好!这里是世博英语的Andy老师,欢迎您收听我们的第39期节目!Today, I went to meet one of my old friends and we had a nice meal at the Grand Hotel. Here are the two sentences I learned while we were eating.

  1. What's the daily special?今天有什么特色菜?

  Before you stepsintosthe restaurant, usually you can see there is a board in front of the restaurant. That is the board for Daily Special.今天我和朋友去饭馆吃饭,选了一个特色菜:宫爆鸡丁.Diced chicken with paprikas!这可是我非常喜欢的special. You should know that Andy had been in Sichuan for four years and during that time, I began to like the hot and spicy food. And this daily special is the typical dish in Sichuan.宫爆鸡丁在四川可是很受欢迎的!



  好了,这句What's the daily special?今天有什么特色菜?可是非常有用,for usually it will save your money if you have the daily special!特色菜一般都很便宜。so when you cannot see a“daily special”board, please ask the boss: What is the daily special?

  2. I didn't sleep a wink last night.一晚上没合眼!

  吃饭的时候,I found that he was tired out, then I asked,“what did you do last night? why are you so sleepy?”.到底为什么会这么困倦呢?Well, I was busy with my final graduation paper and I didn't sleep a wink last night.由于赶着交论文,所以我昨天一夜没合眼!这说明他昨天晚上一定熬夜了!to burn the midnight oil!

  回顾一下这个句子,I didn't sleep a wink last night.其中的wink的意思是眨眼,所以如果说I didn't sleep a wink,那么就是连眨眼这么短的休息时间都没有!

  For me, I don't think that is a good idea to stay up or to burn the midnight oil!大家一定要注意身体,如果经常熬夜的话,你的身体会慢慢垮掉!最后送给大家一句祝福语:

  Hope you are wealthy, healthy and happy!


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