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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 都是灯光惹的祸

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/03 09:52  世博英语

  本课您将学到:too much, step不只是脚步,un前缀和be (un)aware of sth.句型

  提到“污染”这个话题,你会想到什么?空气污染?(air pollution)水污染?(water pollution)还是噪音污染?(noise pollution)今天我们要来关注的不是这些,而是光污染。(light pollution)

  As cities grow larger and use more outdoor(户外的) lighting, light pollution(污染) becomes worse(更恶化的). Using too much light wastes energy and natural resources(资源). It also makes it more difficult for astronomers(天文学家) to study objects in space that are hard to see.


  The biggest problem in controlling light pollution is that most people are unaware(没察觉到的) of its effects. To decrease(减少) these effects we can use lights only when needed, direct(将……指向) lights down, and put controls on outdoor lighting. Such steps are necessary if we want to save our view of the universe(宇宙), and the future of astronomy(天文学).



  随着城市范围的扩大,户外照明越来越多,光污染也越来越严重。(As cities grow larger and use more outdoor lighting, light pollution becomes worse.)注意这句话里cities是主语,位于动词有两个grow和use,用and连接。

  too much的意思是“过多”,超过了某种限度,以至于不能承受,比如:The job is too much for you.这工作你胜任不了。适用过多的灯光浪费能量和自然资源,同时,它也使得另外一项工作变得异常困难,是什么呢?这里用it来代指后面的to study objects in space that are hard to see(研究太空中难以看见的物体),其中,that are hard to see作定语,修饰objects。这句话的意思也就是说:这也会使天文学家对太空中难以看见的物体的研究更加困难。

  控制光污染(in controlling light pollution)的最大问题是,大多数人并没有意识到它的影响。(are unaware of its effects)要减少(decrease)这些影响,我们可以指在需要时才使用灯光,使灯光向下直射,并且对户外照明加以控制。

  decrease是“减少”的意思,也可以指某些具体的数量的减少,如:These measures will help decrease the cost of production.这些措施有助于降低生产成本。它的反义词是increase(增加),如:Travel increases one's knowledge of the world.(旅游增进人对世界的了解。)这两个词的词形非常相似,大家要注意区分。

  Step原意是“脚步、台阶”,如:She took a few steps towards the window.(她向窗口走了几步。)后引申为做事情的“步骤、措施”,如:Steps have been taken to ensure safety.(已采取了安全措施。)所以,Such steps are necessary意思就是“这些措施(即上文提到的那些方法)是必要的”。If引导的这个长句子中,需要注意的是save(挽救)的宾语有两个,一个是our view of the universe(宇宙的景象),一个是the future of astronomy(天文学的未来)。


  be unaware of sth.“没有觉察到某事”

  The children were unaware of the stranger watching them.







  The professor is aware of the difference between the two versions.(教授注意到了两个版本之间的不同。)


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