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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/16 15:13  新浪教育

  Annan Acknowledges Damage to UN Over Iraq Crisis


  Secretary-General Kofi Annan admitted on Wednesday the world was bitter at the United Nations ' handling of the Iraqi crisis and said it was time for the big powers to unite on the needs of the Iraqi people.


  In the last few months, Annan said, the peoples of the world had shown how much they expected from the United Nations and the 15-member Security Council.


  "Many of them have been bitterly disappointed," Annan told a Security Council debate on Iraq, the first since the U.S.-led war began a week ago.


  "All of us must regret that our intense efforts to achieve a peaceful solution through this council did not succeed," he said. "We are living through a moment of deep divisions, which, if not healed, can have grave consequences for the international system and relations between states."


  He said faith in the United Nations could only be restored if the council worked on specific goals for Iraq, including tappingsintosbillions of dollars in Iraqi oil revenue to finance the emergency aid under the U.N. oil-for-food program, which is still stalled in the council.


  Annan, however, criticized both Iraq for neglecting arms inspectors and the United States for acting unilaterally.


  He said many people asked why the Iraqi government did not take full advantage of a last chance given to it by the council to cooperate "in substance as well as procedure" with U.N. arms inspectors accounting for its weapons of mass destruction.


  "But, at the same time, many people around the world are seriously questioning whether it was legitimate for some member states to proceed to such a fateful action now "


  He reminded the United States and Britain that they were responsible for the basic needs of the Iraqi people.


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