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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 战争要持续多久9

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/14 14:50  新浪教育

  RO: Thank you all very much

  When we come back, Senator(议员) Jay Rockefeller, Ambassador James Dobbins, Representative((国会)代表) Aliana Ross-Litton (ph), and Representative Tom Lantos will join us. We'll also be hearing from Ryan Chilcote

  And then later in the half hour, His Excellency Dr. Mohammed Al- Sabbah, the Kuwaiti Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, all that's ahead.

  Right now though we have the news headlines with Thomas Roberts, here's Thomas.

  RO: Let's meet another outstanding panel. (让我们来请进另外一组专家。)

  We'll start with Senator Rockefeller. Jessica Lynch, the prisoner of war, has just returned home(刚刚回家的战俘). Do you plan to go see her?

  【注】Jessica Lynch(杰西卡.林奇)是美军第一位被俘的女兵,几乎已经公认不会有生还的可能,却又被美军特种部队奇迹般地营救回来。

  SEN. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER IV,.: Only when she's ready(只要她安顿好了,我就会去看她), Larry. She needs time. She needs space. She needs to heal(她需要时间,空间,伤口需要愈合). She's been through a trauma which none of us can understand(她所经历的磨难没有人能够理解), and I want to go see her but I only want to go see her when she is completely and totally relaxed and ready to see me and other people and not before that.

  RO: Have you heard from her family?

  ROCKEFELLER: Oh, yes. I've talked with her parents several times and saw them off at Dulles Airport. They're wonderful. They're absolutely wonderful, the pride of West Virginia(他们是西弗吉尼亚人的骄傲。).

  【注】我有一个习惯,在看到句子的时候,总是会想想用在其他的场合时候合适,比如这里"they're absolutely wonderful"同样也可以形容一顿丰富的晚餐。

  RO: Ambassador(大使) Dobbins, you've seen a lot of post-war conflict(战后冲突) and what happens afterwards. What do you expect to happen here?

  JAMES DOBBINS: Well, I think that the rioting and looting will tamp down(平息下来) over the next week and we'll move onto the next phase(我们将进入下一阶段). It doesn't get any easier and the next stage is quite possibly going to be a lot of retributive violence(复仇性暴力) of people getting even.

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