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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 中国周刊(2002年12月号) > White-haired Girl continuing its legend to new century

White-haired Girl continuing its legend to new century
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/03 11:50  中国周刊

  Listed in the repertoire of Shanghai Ballet, modern ballet The White-haired Girl has been on stage for 36 years since its premiere in1965. This ballet is warmly welcomed by people in China and abroad for its in-depth content, clear-cut figures, traditional Chinese style and touching music and is performed over 1,400 times which has virtually become the milestone of China's national ballet. Furthermore, this ballet won Golden Statue Award of Classical China National Dance of the 20th Century in Year 1994.

  The White-haired Girl is a perfect combination of people's daily life of that age and the artform of ballet. This show resorts to the language of ballet, together with the essence of traditional Chinese dances, operas and Kongfu to enrich its way of representing the figures.

  Artists create the artform of ballet, and ballet also cultivates numerous outstanding performers in return. The White-haired Girl gave fame to performers like Shi Zhongqin, Mao Huifang and Ling Guiming, etc. With the development of ballet, more artists devote themselves in this field. Xi'er,the white-haired girl and Wang Dachun were cast by new performers Wang Qifeng, Xin Lili and Yang Xinhua who practiced extremely hard to vividly represent their personalities and the whole story, successfully completed a series of motions of high-techniques. They hence presented the audience a ballet with a sense of time and the touching figures of the show.

  The White-haired Girl toured many countries in Asia, Europe and America in the past 30 years and was widely acclaimed. At the dawn of Spring Festival of 2003, invited by Century Performance Corporation, this ballet will restage in Century Theatre on January 24 and 25 by Shanghai Ballet Troupe. By that time, new generation of performers like Ji Pingping, Chen Zhenrong, Fan Xiaofeng, Sun Shenyi and Zhang Weiying who have received international awards recently will surely continue this legend of the White-haired Girl to the new century.

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