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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 司机的座位

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/07/08 10:21  世博英语



  1) He is in the driver's seat.

  NOTE1:注意driver's seat的重读和连读;

  NOTE2: It means that he is in control of the situation.

  2) Let's keep it low-key!


  NOTE2: It means that we'd better not be so optimistic(乐观) and excited.


  Here is a story:

  Our boss was quite stubborn and fault-finding in our work. One day, Tom and I were asked to work out a market analysis for our products. Finally we finished it on time and Tom was quite happy for the great accomplishments in our report, but I knew we shouldn't be so optimistic because our boss was in the driver's seat and he was usually so picky. Then I told him:'Tom, Don't be so optimistic. Keep it low-key!' I was right. When we handed in the report, we were seriously criticized. And, the only thing we could do was to try it again.

  1) He is in the driver's seat.他掌握一切。

  2) Let's keep it low-key!让我们保持低调。


  Here are three situations:

  S1. If you see that everybody in this company obeys his order, then you may say he should be the boss! Could you give us another way to express this meaning?

  S2. Now you are a green hand in this company. Do you think that in the future you will be in the driver's seat? How?

  S3. We know the saying that extreme joy begets sorrow(乐极生悲). So before the great success, what is the best attitude?


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