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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/01 10:00  世博英语


  Friends,中文译名为《六人行》或《老友记》是美国正在热播的一个sitcom (即situation comedy)也就是我们所说的情景喜剧。它之所以这么受欢迎,是因为其内容轻松,语言幽默,每每令人捧腹不已。对于英语学习者来说,我们更能从中学到不少地道的口语。现在就请大家和我一起感受其中的乐趣吧!




  Chandler: Doug!!

  Doug: Hmm.

  Chandler: I'm a little bit uncomfortable with the way that you express yourself.

  Doug: Oh, is it the swearing? I mean is it the constant swearing? Because I gotta tell ya, if it is, you can just... kiss my ass!

  Chandler: No, no. It-it's not about the swearing, it's more about ah, the way, that you ah, occasionally, concentrate, your enthusiasm on my buttocks.

  Doug: Oh?

  Chandler: Oh, and don't get me wrong, I appreciate the sentiment. It's just that I, I have a rather, sensitive posterior, and ah, besides, it's making all the other guys jealous.

  Doug: Well, say no more. Y'know it takes guts to bring this up. Bing! You're okay.

  Chandler: Okay.


  当Chandler向Doug提出说他的某种表达方式另自己觉得有点不舒服时(I'm a little bit uncomfortable with the way that you express yourself.),Doug还以为Chandler指的是他的粗口(swearing)呢。动词swear除了表示“咒骂”以外,还有一个最常用的解释“发誓”。一般来说,如果要表示“咒骂某人”,swear后面会跟上介词at,如:He turned round and swore at me.如果要表示“发誓做某事”,swear后面可以跟that从句,或者不定式,也就是swear to do sth,例如:

  Lisa swore never to return home.

  It was a mistake -- she swears that she didn't mean to do it.

  Doug对于自己的粗口一点儿也不在意,所以他对Chanlder说:“I mean is it the constant swearing? Because I gotta tell ya, if it is, you can just... kiss my ass!”kiss my ass (亲我的屁股),不用解释大家就知道这是一句用来侮辱对方的话。不过也会有这样一些人为了达到目的而不惜去亲别人的屁股,如:Ted will kiss anybody's ass if he thinks it'll get him promoted.

  同样是说“屁股”,喜欢说粗口的Doug用的是ass这个词,而Chandler用的却是buttock,他吞吞吐吐地对Doug说:“No, no. It-it's not about the swearing, it's more about ah, the way, that you ah, occasionally, concentrate, your enthusiasm on my buttock.(不,不,这和粗口无关,我说的是你,哦,偶尔对我的屁股特别关照。)”buttock属于蛮正式的一个词,一般在生活中老美总是说butt,而Chandler之所以在这里用buttock这个词倒不是因为他有多文明,而是面对上司说ass多少有些不敬。

  Doug显然没想到Chandler说的是“拍屁股”一事,Chandler马上又解释说不是自己不领情,而是自己对于那个部位比较敏感,况且Doug老是这么“赞赏”自己使得别的同事很是妒忌(Oh, and don't get me wrong, I appreciate the sentiment. It's just that I, I have a rather, sensitive posterior, and ah, besides, it's making all the other guys jealous.)这回Chandler连buttock都不说了,而是更加婉转地来了个专业用语posterior“后部的”来指自己的“屁股”。另外,句中的don't get me wrong也是个经常出现的表达法,一旦你觉得自己所说的话可能会被别人误解或使别人不快时,就可以说上一句don't get me wrong,然后再解释一下,如:Don't get me wrong, I love my family, I just don't want to be with them all the time.

  向上司提意见是需要一点勇气和胆量的,更何况Chandler提的还是那样的意见,所以Doug对于Chandler说:“Well, say no more. Y'know it takes guts to bring this up. Bing! You're okay.”在中文里,我们是用“胆”来表示勇气等等,而英文中用的却是guts“肠子”来表示相同的意思,又比如:No one had the guts to tell Paul what a mistake he was making.


  kiss my ass/kiss somebody's ass

  don't get me wrong

  take / have guts to do sth


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