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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/30 10:14  世博英语




  1) John is a cool cat.

  NOTE1:补充:学习过let the cat out of the bag意思是“泄露秘密”;

  NOTE2: It means that he is calm in front of danger or difficulties.

  2) He is an all-nighter.


  NOTE2: It means that he usually burns the midnight oil.


  Here is a story:

  Now my father is the boss of a Foreign Trade company. He is so busy every day that he doesn't have enough time to play with us. He is an all-nighter, for I often see him writing something when I wake up at midnights. My father seldom talks with me, but I admire him so much because I think he is a successful man. In addition, in people's eyes, he has a lot of experience in the business field. They usually say that he is really a cool cat in front of trouble, no matter what it is.

  1) John is a cool cat.约翰头脑冷静。

  2) He is an all-nighter.他经常熬夜。


  Here are three situations:

  S1. No matter how dangerous the situation is, John keeps a clear mind. What do you think of John?

  S2. Tony is so busy that he has to work till midnight every day. Here can we say that Tony is an all-nighter?

  S3. Sandy has a lot of experience in this field, so she never gets nervous when she is doing the experiment. What do you know about Sandy from this sentence?


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