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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 魔鬼惊魂

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/17 11:52  世博英语




  1) Don't be a chicken!

  NOTE1: chicken还可以用作动词,比如chicken out是“畏缩”的意思;

  NOTE2: Don't be timid.

  2) Stop jerking my chain!

  NOTE1: jerk,猛拽,勐拉;chain,链子,注意元音[ei];

  NOTE2: Don't keep bothering me again.


  Here is the dialogue.

  -Tom, come with me.

  -Sorry, I am afraid it is so dark there.

  -Come on. Don't be such a chicken.

  -I am not a chicken, but you know I was once frightened in a "Ghost Palace"!

  -Are you a man? Be brave!

  -I would rather choose another game.

  -It is quite stimulative there. After you step into the darkness, the "ghosts" will suddenly

  show themselves in front of you. It will be quite exciting. You may have a try.

  -I had a try.

  -We have the saying that he who does not "travel" in a "Ghost Palace" is not a true man.

  -Stop jerking my chain. No matter what you say, I wouldn't.

  1) Don't be a chicken!不要做胆小鬼!

  2) Stop jerking my chain!别烦我!


  Here are three situations:

  S1. Jack is afraid of strangers. Whenever there are guests coming to visit his family, he would shut himself in his room. Now his father is trying to change this situation. What do you think his father is saying to him?

  S2. You are doing your homework, but your younger brother is asking you questions again and again. Now you are a bit annoyed. So, what will say when he comes to you again?

  S3. Suppose you are afraid of being alone, particularly in the night. One day, your parents decide to attend an evening party, then you said," No one is accompanying me?" What answer would you get from your parents?


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