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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 课间十分钟

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/12/09 11:55  世博英语




  1) You have a point there.


  NOTE2: You are right and I agree with you.

  2) What's cooking?


  NOTE2: What has happened?


  Here is the story.

  Susana has been a teacher for about four years. During these years, she has experienced a lot, including something happy and upset. One day, she went back home with a long face. "What's cooking? Why are so sad?" Her husband asked. Then Susana said, "Today, when I wasshavingslessons, I received a short message sent to my mobile phone. Then after class, I read the message which was 'Susana, I am your old classmate and I am waiting for you at the school gate. Please come here as quickly as possible, for I have something important to tell you.' Then I made full use of the ten-minute break time dashing to the school gate, but I found nobody there. Then another message again-'Thanks for cooperation. You are fooled and You'd better go to the classroom as quickly as possible.' That irritated me." "Don't take it seriously, my darling. You should have remembered that today is April Fool's Day." Then Susana said, "You have a point there, but I just made up the story and you are fooled."

  1) You have a point there.你的说法很对。

  2) What's cooking?发生了什么事?


  Here are three situations:

  S1. One day, when you were studying in the dormitory, your friend Peter came in with his face black and blue. What is your first reaction?

  S2. Your answer to the question is correct. What do you think the teacher would say after your reply?

  S3. The winter vacation is coming and all the students are longing for it except Andy. You want to know why, so how can you ask him?


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