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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/01/20 09:10  英语辅导报



  第一大题:Free Talk,也就是自由会话。题单上可没有会话内容,采用的是老师提问考生回答的形式。请听几个题例:

  1.Do you like listening to the music?

  2.How many students are there in your class?

  3.What difficulties do you meet in English learning?

  4.Say something about your best friend.

  5.Do you often read English books in your spare time?





  Mr.Zhou:第二大题是Pronunciation(发音),要求你Read the words,phrases and sentence below,也就是朗读下面的单词、短语和句子。谁来试试这五个题?

  严春红:我来!1.rice 2.wrong 3.next to 4.take out 5.How do you go to school?


  下面请看第三大题:Talking about the Picture.It's a park near your house.Tell us something about it.




  There is a park near my house.I often go and play there.I'm now in the park.Look!There are many people in it.Two men are fishing near the lake.There are two boats in the lake.Two boys are in one boat,and two girls are in the other boat.Where am I?Do you know?I'm in the boat on the right.My good friend Li Jing is with me.And a duck is swimming near our boat.Oh,there are some boys over there.They are playing football.


  Mr.Zhou:第四大题是Reading Comprehension,也就是阅读理解,要求你们Read the passage,then answer the questions.请读一读这篇短文。

  It's Tuesday morning,June 25.Mr.Bascomb is at the bank.He's talking with some businessmen from Chicago.They come from a big toy company.They want to build a toy factory in Wickam City.Mr.Bascomb thinks it's a good idea.He would like to have more new businesses in his city."It's good for the city,"says Mr.Bascomb."New businesses give more jobs for the people and money for the city."

  Mr.Bascomb works long hours and seldom(很少)has holidays.It's very unusual when he doesn't come to work.Yesterday was an unusual day.Mr.Bascomb wasn't at work.He was at home.He was ill in bed all day.His wife and his dog were there with him.


  1.What day is it?

  2.Where is Mr.Bascomb?

  3.Who is he talking to?

  4.What do they want to do?

  5.Was he at work yesterday?Why not?

  严春红:这和笔试里的阅读理解题完全一样呀,而且短文也不难,我读懂了。我的答案是:1.It's Tuesday.2.He's at the bank. 3.He's talking with some businessmen from Chicago.4.They want to build a toy factory in Wickam City.5.No,he wasn't.Because he was ill in bed all day.

  Mr.Zhou:确实很easy,不过,此题要求先朗读短文。读时应该注意,语音语调要正确,比如辅音连缀、连读、不完全爆破、意群和停顿、升调和降调以及句子重音、弱读等,都要读准。考前准备时,应该看懂短文内容,留意各种句式及语音现象,比如哪些句子是该用升调的一般疑问句,哪个地方需要用连读或不完全爆破等等,要做到心中有数。朗读时要读得流利,但语速不宜太快。声音洪亮悦耳,表情自然大方。吐词要清晰,避免含混不清或结结巴巴,还要尽量避免重复。朗读时应该注意表情,尽可能读出感情。回答问题时抓住关键信息,如what,where等,针对这些信息作答即可。可以使用简略回答,比如:第2小题也可答:At the bank.第3小题用Some businessmen from Chicago.也可得满分。



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