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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > Brian美语第十二法则 掌握一门语言的最好途径就是去使用它

Brian美语第十二法则 掌握一门语言的最好途径就是去使用它
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/05 15:36  新浪教育

  Everyone knows that the only really effective way to improve on language skills is to use the language. In reality, however, we know that there are many reasons why people don't want to speak in another language - they are afraid of making mistakes, they can't express their real meaning easily, they are shy, they are afraid people will laugh at them. We all feel this way some of the time, but if you really want to improve your spoken English, try some of the suggestions we have made here. Once you try putting some of these ideas and principles『法则』into practice, you will feel difference!


  1、Don't be afraid of making mistakes, or you will never make improvements. /不要怕犯错误,否则你永远没有进步。


  经典例句:This is the company's principle, you disobey it, you go. /这是公司的规定,如果违反,请你走人。

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