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Video-Game Planet
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/18 13:37  英语文摘

  译者点评:全球最大的独立视频游戏出版商电子艺界公司2003年8 月13日新推出的视频游戏“劲爆橄榄球 2004 ” 迅速在美国火爆起来,搜索量激增 34% ,在全球卖出了 400 万套。该公司总裁劳伦斯·普洛斯特十分乐观地表示,在不久的将来,电子艺界将成为全球最大的娱乐公司。据调查,平均每个美国人每年花在视频游戏上的时间长达 75 个小时,是 1997 年的两倍,大大超过了看 DVD 和录像带的时间。据此,索尼、微软和诺基亚等科技公司都在视频游戏上下了大赌注。他们称,在不久的将来,新一代控制台将使视频游戏的视听效果不亚于电影和电视。我们已进入一个全新的视频游戏时代。

  Music? Sales down. Hollywood? *Hit or miss1. Tech? Flat. No wonder everyone wants to be in videogames. 音乐?销量下降。好莱坞?风险太大。科技?平淡无奇。难怪人人都想把宝押在视频游戏上。

  Let’s play a little numbers game: On Aug. 14, Madden NFL 2004, a video game, pitting reallife NFL2 teams against one another, appeared on retailers’ shelves. Within three weeks, the game grossed $100 million— two million copies sold at $50 a pop. In roughly the same period, the summer hit movie Seabiscuit3 returned $78 million. Madden doesn’t just have better numbers, but better legs4: By the time the next version comes out a year from now, gamemaker Electronic Arts5 will have shipped6 four million copies of Madden 2004, raking in $200 million. By comparison, last year’s Oscarwinning Best Picture, Chicago7, has taken nine months to bring in $171 million at the box office.

  If you’ve got kids, or hang around with them, you knew videogames were big8. But you may be shocked by how big they are, and not just in terms of the multibilliondollar revenues and profit margins that are the envy of major entertainment companies. Games are becoming culturally pervasive, stealing time and dollars from other consumer entertainment options like movies, television, and magazines. On average an American will spend 75 hours this year playing videogames, more than double the amount of time spent gaming in 1997 and eclipsing that of DVD or tape rentals today, according to market research firm Veronis Suhler Stevenson. Of the other forms of entertainment, only Internet usage is expected to grow faster than videogames—a fact that the videogame makers plan to use to their advantage.

  And with time comes money. Though the global videogame market was just $28 billion in 2002, some people think it’s on track to rival the movie, music, or television industries, perhaps by the end of this decade. The games business has been racking up doubledigit growth rates for the past decade, even through the recent tech slump.

  Long considered to be the toy department of the entertainment business, the videogame industry is now starting to flex its muscle. In Hollywood, movie studios and music producers increasingly make sure they have the support of game companies before starting projects. And execs9 are jumping ship to go work in what is now called interactive entertainment. The tech world, too, is taking notice. Companies like Sony, Microsoft, and Nokia are placing huge bets that videogames will open lucrative new revenue streams worldwide.

  According to a recently released study by the Pew Internet && American Life Project, 70% of last year’s college students played videogames at least occasionally. Asked whether they have ever played videogames, the student response scored 100%. “Computer, video, and online games are woven into the fabric of everyday life for college students,” the report concluded. One computer game, The Sims, has sold close to 20 million copies, counting sequels and spinoffs, and its main audience is teenage girls. At any given time, 30,000 people are playing pool online at Yahoo Games. Thousands more are playing card games on AOL Games, MSN Games, or Gamespot. According to Nielsen/NetRatings10, more than 35 million people visited Internet game parlors last month.

  “Lots of people are astonished; they don’t really understand the pervasiveness of computerbased gaming,” says Tom Melcher, CEO of There, an online gaming and communications service launching next month with backing from major cable and telecom companies. “It wasn’t something they grew up with. Now, I’m 40, and I can remember a time when there weren’t any electronic game devices at all. But for kids who came of age in the 1980s and 1990s, they can’t remember a time when there were not game machines all around them.”

  That’s not hyperbole. More than half of American households have some sort of game machine, like a Sony PlayStation, a Microsoft Xbox, or a portable Nintendo Game Boy Advance. As new and better machines roll out, consoles will become a fixture in more and more living rooms. -



  如果你有小孩,或者常与他们打交道的话,你会发现视频游戏真是太受欢迎了。但倘若你知道它们是如何地受欢迎,而且还不仅限于让那些大娱乐公司忌妒的高达数十亿美元的收入和利润幅度时,你可能会感到震惊。游戏正在进行着文化渗透,从其它消费娱乐形式如电影、电视、还有杂志那里抢走大量的时间和金钱。据维罗尼斯·苏勒·史蒂文森市场研究公司的调查,平均每个美国人今年花在玩视频游戏上的时间将长达75个小时,是1997年的两倍多,更使时下的 DVD 和录像带出租业黯然失色。在其它娱乐形式中,只有互联网的使用有可能将快于视频游戏的增长—— 游戏出版商们计划利用这一事实谋取利益。





  这并不是夸张。超过半数的美国家庭拥有某种游戏机,如索尼的PlayStation, 微软的 Xbox, 或者便携式的任天堂Game Boy Advance等。随着新一代更好的游戏机的大量推出,控制台将会成为愈来愈多家庭起居室中的一个固定装置。

  (秦毅忠 摘译自 Fortune Sep. 2, 2003)

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