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英语辅导报小学版:Test for This Week
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/16 09:13  英语辅导报

  Listening Part


  I. 听音,圈出与所听单词含有相同元音音素的单词:(每个单词只读一遍,10%)

  1. ride this   2. cat cake 3. me shelf

  4. music bug  5. not rose



  III. 听音,判断所听的句子与图片是否相符,相符画 ,不相符画 :(每小题只读一遍,12%)


  IV. 听音,选择所听句子的正确答语:(每小题读两遍,10%)

  ( )1. A. She's fishing. B. He's reading.

  ( )2. A. It's 12 yuan. B. I'm seven years old.

  ( )3. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am.

  ( )4. A. I feel tired. B. How do you do?

  ( )5. A. There are two apples on the desk.

  B. I'm flying a kite.

  Writing Part


  I. 找出下列单词中划线部分发音不同的一项:(20%)

  ( )1. A. name B. cake C. apple D. grade

  ( )2. A. she B. desk C. we D. these

  ( )3. A. five B. bike C. time D. this

  ( )4. A. clock B. go C. hello D. those

  ( )5. A. excuse B. student C. duty D. lunch

  II. 请帮小鸭子排好队:(20%)


  1. _____________________________________________________

  2. _____________________________________________________

  3. _____________________________________________________

  4. _____________________________________________________

  5. _____________________________________________________

  III. 看图,回答问题:(20%)


  1. -What's she doing?


  2. -What's he doing?


  3. -What's he doing?


  4. -What's he doing?


  5. -What's she doing?


  Test for This Week 参考答案

  Listening Part

  I. 1.bike (ride) 2.flag (cat) 3.leg (shelf) 4.run (bug) 5.nose (rose)

  II. 1.A:What does Miss White do?

  B:She's a nurse. (A)

  2.A:Is Mr Black a driver?

  B:Yes. he is. (B)

  3.A:What's Mr Smith's job?

  B:He's a worker. (D)

  4.A:Is Miss Zhang an engineer?

  B:No, she isn't. She's a doctor. (C)

  III. 1.A: What's he doing? B: He's playing basketball. ( )

    2.A: What's he doing? B: He's swimming. ( )

  3.A: What's he doing? B: He's cleaning the window. ( )

  4.A: What's she doing? B: She's doing her homework. ( )

  5.A: What's he doing? B: He's having lunch. ( )

  6.A: What's she doing? B: She's riding a horse. ( )

  IV. 1. What is he doing? (A)

  2. How much is the sharpener? (A)

  3. Are you washing clothes? (B)

  4. How do you feel? (A)

  5. How many apples are there on the desk? (A)

  Writing Part

  I.  1. C  2. B  3. D  4. A5. D

  II. 1. She is riding a bicycle. 2. Are they buying sweets? 3. The bird is flying.

  4. What's your mother doing? 5. How do you feel?

  III. 1. He's jumping. 2. She's singing. 3. He's reading a book. 4. He's watching TV. 5. She's drawing a picture.

  (文/杨研研 陆卫东 冯蓉 英语辅导报小学四年级版03~04学年第35期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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