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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/28 15:05  英语辅导报

  (A)U.N. Panel Puts off Vote on Measures to Restrict Cloning

  By Kirk Semple

  The United Nations voted today(Nov. 6, 2003) to postpone for two years any further consideration of a ban on human cloning, an issue that has sharply divided member states.

  The General Assembly's legal committee, which consists of all the member states, voted 80 to 79 in favor of a deferral(延期)motion introduced by Iran on behalf of a group of Islamic countries; 15 countries gave up.

  One resolution(议案), backed by a group that includes the United States, called for a measure banning all forms of human cloning. The second, supported by a smaller camp led by the Belgians, called for a more limited ban that would prevent the creation of cloned embryos(胚胎) to produce another human being but would permit the use of such embryos for medical experiments.

  The vote today was seen by many as a defeat for the United States, which had lobbied heavily in recent days both in favor of the total ban and against the Islamic nation's motion for a postponement.

  Belgium and others including Uganda who supported the partial-ban resolution voted in favor of the deferral, arguing that a simple majority in favor of either the partial or the full ban would have been self-defeating.

  "We think that a compromise by nature aims at universality should be based on agreement," Belgium's ambassador to the United Nations, Jean de Ruyt, told committee members. "A vote on either proposal will be divided and will not lead to a productive result at this stage."

  Postponement, he said, "would, in our view, leave open the possibility to reach a compromise more easily in the future."

  Supporters of a compromise on a partial ban had argued that in light of the widespread support for a ban on human reproductive cloning, the General Assembly should at least try to secure a universal compromise on that and leave it to the individual countries to pass even stronger legislation.

  They also argued that a total ban would get rid of further embryonic stem cell research.

  But co-sponsors(发起者) of the total ban said that cloning is immoral, in part because it needs the destruction of the embryo.

  Both resolutions would permit the unrestricted cloning of animals.

  (Words:372; Time:6')

  1. What resolutions are there about consideration of a ban on human cloning?

  A. The full or the immoral.

  B. The deferral or the partial.

  C. The partial or the full.

  D. The deferral or the unrestricted.

  2. Which country on behalf of its group, the U.N. puts off a vote on measures to restrict cloning?

  A. Iran. B. the United States.

  C. Belgium. D. Uganda.

  3. The underlined word "compromise" used in the text refers to________.

  A. the act of settling an argument or differences

  B. the act of settling an argument by taking a middle course acceptable to all sides

  C. the act of having a right to believe and depend on

  D. the act of having a right to believe or putting together parts to form something

  4. Which of the following statements is best supported by what Belgium's ambassador said?

  A. A ban on human cloning had better come to a conclusion about agreement in the future.

  B. Although cloning is immoral, the U.N.will permit cloning of animals in the future.

  C. A ban on human cloning for medical experiments may be agreed in the coming year.

  D. There will be space and time left for the two parties to find a way to settle the resolution.

  (B)Teens Talking Tirelessly

  By Jennifer Tannaka

  If you had to guess, how would you say mobile phones rate with American teenagers compared with having a boyfriend or girlfriend, or with partying? The answer, according to a new survey by Teenage Research Unlimited(TRU), a market-research firm: the phone, say 85 percent of teens, is just as cool. Manufactures of wireless communications devices and services can read research. They're getting together to offer products to this tech-loving generation, about 31 million in the United States. It's marketing basic rule: hook them early. According to TRU, 37 percent of kids 12 to 19 use one, putting it right up there with hand-held video-game players. Parents are giving phones to their kids in order to keep watch on them; teens, in turn, use their mobile phones to plan parties on the fly and buy tickets for American Pie II over the Web. The next trend(趋向) in teens: text appeal. Already a runway hit among teenagers in Europe and Asia, the habit of sending bursts of text from phone to phone is starting to catch on here.

  Motorola tested a hunch by bringing out a cheap device last year that allows two-way text messaging over the rudimentary wireless networks used for pagers. The Talk-about T900 caught on "Like wildfire" among younger users. To date, Motorola has sold more than a million T900s, and it believes this kind of device will take off as mobile-phone service provides improve their text messaging products.

  The appeal of "texting" is that it's cheaper than voice calls over a mobile phone and, for teens, just as effective. "When teens say, 'I'm going to call my friends,' they actually send an instant message," says Spiro, referring to American On Line's Instant Messenger service, which lets you send quick notes to friends who are also online.

  Teens, naturally, have developed a new shorthand(速记) for their text habit. "See you later" becomes CUL8R,"get a life" is shortened simply as GAL, and"enough said" is NUFZ. Feeling behind the curve(潮流) already? (Words:341; Time: 6')

  5. From the TRU, manufactures of wireless communications all make it clear that________.

  A.mobile phones rate with American teenagers is becoming higher and higher

  B.they should offer their new products to this tech-loving generation instead of old products

  C. they should attract teens' attention to mobile phones early in order to earn a lot of money

  D. parents would spend their money on teens' games and tries to develop children's abilities

  6. What does the underlined phrase "on the fly" here mean?

  A. on the plane B. in the sky

  C. on the way D in a hurry

  7. Which of the following is, by inference, rooted in the text?

  A. The answer given from 37 percent of teens 12 to 19 is that having a mobile phone is just as cool as dating and partying.

  B. Most parents giving phones to their kids for keeping in touch with their kids.

  C. The important update with teens using mobile phones is to make text easy for communication.

  D. Motorola sold more than a million T900s and other style of products.

  8. The following are perhaps new shorthand for teens' text habit EXCEPT________.


  key: (A)1-4CABD (B)5-8 CDCA


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