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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/09 09:52  英语辅导报

  第二部分 完形填空:

  传统的完形填空(Cloze test)题通常是将一篇逻辑性较强的短文,挖出若干个空,然后采用"四选一"的方法,将短文补充完整(主要考查语法规则、习惯搭配、行文逻辑等方面)。如今的完形填空题除保留传统题型的优点外,在题型设计、文章立意等方面都有了很大突破。请留意2004年全国部分省市中考题中的完形填空:(注:以下部分引文有的保留了原题序号)

  1. 四川省内江市阅读理解填词题:

  Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries.

  Children in the USA will leave their ⑴ p__________homes when they grow up. They usually live far from their parents because they want to find good (2) j__________. They often ⑶ w__________to their parents or ⑷ t__________them. And they often go to (5) s__________their parents on holidays.

  Parents usually let their children (6) c__________their own jobs. Americans think it (7) i__________for young people to (8) d__________on their lives by themselves.

  Children are asked to do some work (9) a__________their houses. And in many families, children are (10) p__________for doing some housework so that they can learn how to make money for their own use.

  本篇完形填空题是近几年兴起的一种较为新颖的开放型命题形式,它突破了"四选一"篇幅过长的局限,又通过首字母提示防止了考生答题时不知所措的尴尬。但更为重要的是本篇完形填空取材立意新颖,从"家庭"这一侧面生动地反映了西方的文化教育。它叙述了"在美国,孩子从小就得学会通过自己劳动'创造价值',具有很强的独立性;另一方面,父母很少干预子女的事情,家庭民主气氛很浓"。 这样的文章能使学生们通过第一手资料了解西方文化,具有较好的导向性。

  2. 江苏省盐城市(动词)完形填空题:

  SARS (非典)⑴__________ (be) a terrible disease. The first Chinese SARS patient ⑵__________ (find) in Guangdong Province last November. After that, the terrible disease⑶__________ (attack) many parts of China. Our country has tried hard to stop it from spreading(蔓延). Doctors and nurses are working hard ⑷__________ (save) the SARS patients. Through the efforts(努力) of the whole society, things ⑸__________ (get) better and better now. We are happy to see that most of the SARS patients ⑹__________ (leave) hospital already. The terrible illness also makes us ⑺__________ (think) a lot. We must ⑻__________ (keep) our environment clean and tidy, and live a healthy life instead of ⑼ __________ (become)frightened. We believe that humans ⑽__________ (win) the war against any disease like SARS in the future.

  本篇动词完形填空取材新颖,关注时事,体现了完形题取材紧扣时事的特点:SARS (非典)来势凶猛、危害之大,让中华民族面临着一次前所未有的生死考验。可喜的是经过全社会的齐心努力,最终战胜了SARS,由此弘扬了一种伟大的民族精神;与此同时,本文也告诫人们:只有保护好环境,拥有一个整洁有序的生存空间,才能在未来战胜任何一种类似SARS的疾病!

  第三部分 情景交际:


  1. 山西省太原市补全对话题:根据对话上下文填空,使对话完整正确。

  (Father is talking about the exam with his son in the room.)

  Father: You have been working hard on your studies these days. (1) __________

  Son: Yes, very tired. But I have to keep working hard. You know, the entrance exam is coming soon.

  Father: I know (2) __________to you.

  Son: Yes, it's more important than any other kind of exam.

  Father: (3) __________ But you don't need to worry about it.

  Son: Well, I don't worry about the other two subjects, but Chinese troubles me a lot. I'm afraid (4) __________

  Father: I don't think so.

  Son: Sometimes I just have no idea about compositions.

  Father: Don't worry. Many students may feel the same.

  Son: Perhaps you're right but I will still work harder at it.

  Father: If so, (5) __________

  Son: I hope so.


  2. 黑龙江省补全对话B:根据所给标志及对话内容,在每个空白处填入适当的句子完成对话。


  Sam: Hi, John. __________(81)?

  John: Nothing much. Why?

  Sam: You like Jackson's singing, don't you?

  John: Yes, that's true.

  Sam: There is going to be a concert given by him in the theatre at six this evening. I have two tickets. __________(82)?

  John: I'd love to. What time and where shall we meet?

  Sam: How about five at my home?

  John: Your home? I have to drive 20 minutes and come back in 25 minutes. That's a return way.

  Sam: I know but you have to, my dear friend. (Twenty minutes later)

  John: Here we are. __________(83)?

  Sam: Let's go over there.

  John: Look at the sign. __________(84)!

  Sam: Look more carefully please. __________(85).



  完形填空1:1.parents' 2.jobs 3.write 4.telephone 5.see 6.choose 7.important 8.decide 9.around 10.paid

  完形填空2:1.is 2.was found 3.attacked 4.to save 5.are getting 6.have left 7.think 8.keep 9.becoming 10.will win

  情景交际1:1.Are you tired?/Do you feel tired?/ Are you feeling tired? 2.it's (very/quite) important 3.I think so./I agree with you./You are right./ That's right./ So it is. 4. I'm not good at it. /I'm weak in it./ I don't do well in it. / I can't pass the Chinese exam./ I'll fail in the Chinese exam. 5.(I think/I'm sure) you'll be OK. / you'll pass it. /you'll be fine.

  情景交际2:81.What are you doing /What are you going to do 82.Would you like to go(to the concert) with me 83.Where shall we park the car 84.No parking 85.No parking from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.)


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