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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/13 14:50  英语辅导报



  Suppose you are the mayor(市长) of Oak City. According to the letter from a middle school student, George Grady, you write a letter to him, and suggest the ways to solve the traffic problems in Oak in your letter. Please write 60 words or so.

  Dear Mayor,

  I am sick and tired of the traffic in this city! It is so bad that I can never get anywhere in time. There are too many cars on the road, and most have only one person in them.

  Another problem is the buses. They are so old and slow that nobody wants to take them. They are noisy and very dirty. You can't even see the windows!

  Also, the taxi drivers are not polite. They never know where they are going, and they take a long time to get somewhere. Taxis are expensive, too. And the subway(地铁) is just too crowded and dangerous. What are we going to do?

  Yours sincerely,

  George Grady

  此题题目要求是这样的:假如你是Oak City的市长。根据中学生George Grady的来信内容,你给他写一封回信,给出解决他所提到的问题的办法。

  George Grady在信中提到了如下问题:1. 讨厌这个城市的交通,路上的车太多;2. 公共汽车太慢、太旧,噪声很大且很脏;3.出租车司机太不礼貌,到某个地方要花很长时间,且价钱太贵;4. 地铁既拥挤又危险。


  Dear George Grady,

  I think we need new buses that are fast, clean and quiet. People should give their friends a lift so there are fewer cars on the road. Taxi drivers should learn how to be friendly and how to read a map. Let's make their prices lower. The subway should have more trains so that it is less crowded.

  Yours sincerely,

  Seaman Johnson

  (文/王俊杰; 英语辅导报初三版03--04学年度第44期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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