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Career Talks And Presentations
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/19 18:05  新浪教育

  In the campus of Ivy League business schools, investment banking firms and global financial institutions regularly hold company presentations to introduce their firms and the open positions available where recruitment is being carried out. The content of these presentations inevitably provide a broad perspective in order for students to gain a better understanding of the industry and the business. In these events, students usually get the chance to ask questions about issues specific to the individual company and topics that interest them most.

  Many students attend these presentations with a very casual attitude and without much preparation. The right approach is to get a schedule of these company presentations before hand, do some research using the resources from the placement office as well as the website. Think through issues that are pertinent to the company and write down questions and topics that can help you gain more insight and knowledge of the company, business and industry.

  For example, the investment banking unit of Citigroup, Salomon Smith Barney, will be doing the presentation. You should first find out from either the placement office’s event coordinator or from the investment bank’s liaison person on what business divisions will be represented in the presentation. Read through the annual report, recent articles about Salomon Smith Barney and jot down questions about the specific business areas that interest you. For example, you have read about an equity offering in Asia with Salomon Smith Barney as the lead manager. You are interested in joining the Equity Capital Market (ECM) group. You can take this opportunity to find out the strength of their institutional distribution capability. You may also be interested to learn more about the cross-selling efforts of Citibank’s retail channels in the distribution of initial public offerings. Another example is Merrill Lynch’s presentation. You are interested to find out how the new measures to mitigate conflict of interests between investment research and investment-banking business are affecting the underwriting business. One more example may be how the Fair Disclosure (FD) rule affects the communication between research analysts and institutional clients.

  In addition to learning, most people may not realize this is also a forum for these company’s representatives to “talent scout?outstanding students. If you come prepared with sufficient background knowledge, ask questions with depth and are able to engage these experienced professionals in meaningful conversations, you will naturally be noticed and perhaps identified as possible candidates for consideration.

  You should find ways to make a favorable impression on them amidst the big crowd of students, get their business cards if possible and ask them about their business unit and office location. After the event, write to these company representatives that you have made a connection and express your specific area of interest. You may want to take note that the company representatives giving the career talk and presentation may not necessarily be on the campus recruitment team. However, you can rest assured that they will liaise with their colleagues who will be doing the on-campus recruitment on “impressive?students they have met.




  假设现在花旗银行的投资银行业务机构所罗门美邦(Salomon Smith Barney)将要举行展示会,那么,你就应该首先从就业指导中心的活动协调员或投资银行的联络员那里了解到做展示的是什么部门,阅读一些所罗门美邦的年度报表和时文,并写下一些你感兴趣的业务问题。举例来说,你得知所罗门美邦将为一家亚洲的大公司做首次发行的主要承销证券商,而你又有兴趣加入它的股票资本市场(ECM,Equity Capital Market)的队伍,那么这次展示会就是一次很好的机会,让你了解它的机构投资客户分销能力。你也可能对花旗银行在首次公开发行新股时,零售渠道的交叉销售产生兴趣。再以美林银行的展示会为例,你可以关注其用于缓和投资研究和投资银行业务利益冲突的新措施对承销商业务的影响。再或者,你也许注意到公平披露(FD,Fair Disclosure)制度如何影响到研究分析人员和机构投资客户间的交流。



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