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英语辅导报大学二年级版:英语作文 始于遣词
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/05 14:03  英语辅导报


  1. This kind of TV can prevent you from near-sighted. (看这种电视不会近视。——非谓语动词省缺。)

  改进:This kind of TV can prevent you from becoming near-sighted.

  2. Why don't you try to buy a bottle to your girlfriend? (为什么不给你的女朋友买一瓶?——介词误用,选词不精。)

  改进:Why not buy a bottle for your girlfriend? / Why not buy your girlfriend a bottle?

  3. I choice it, I like it. (我喜欢,才选它。——名词误用为动词)

  改进: I like it so I choose it.

  4. Don't delay! Use your hands today!(别再拖延,今天动手(购买)!——用词繁琐,不够押韵。)

  改进:Don't delay! Take actions today!

  5. Such a new fishing-rod has a small lamp which giving off green light beside the fishing hook. (这种新型钓竿在鱼钩旁边装有能发绿光的小灯。——引导词与非谓语动词混用。)

  改进:Such a new fishing-rod has a small lamp which gives off green light beside the fishing hook.

  / Such a new fishing-rod has a small lamp giving off green light beside the fishing hook.

  6. With the help of such a rod, you can bring

  enough fish back no matter whether you are a skilled fisherman or not. (有了这种钓竿,不管你是否为有经验的钓者都可满载而归。——用词累赘,反而不美。)

  改进:With the help of such a rod, you can bring enough fish back no matter you are a skilled fisherman or not.

  7. How I wish to have a car like that!(要是我也能拥有一部那样的小汽车该有多好!——虚拟语气用法错误。)

  改进:How I wish I could have a car like that!

  8. There are many people want to go out to spend their summer holiday. (如今有许多人想要外出过暑假。——分词与引导词关系不清。)

  改进:There are many people dreaming of going out for summer holidays. / Many people want to go out to spend summer holidays.

  9. Many of the fat try their best to loss weight in various means, but at last, they are always more less than gain. (许多肥胖人士想方设法减肥,结果总是有增无减。——搭配不当,理解偏差。)

  改进:Many of the fat try all means to lose weight, ending in failure.

  10. Don't let young and beautiful leave away. (别让青春美丽溜走。——词性错误,词组运用不当。)

  改进:Keep young and beautiful forever!/ Don't let youth and beauty go!

  (文/杨晓斌;英语辅导报 大学二年级版 04~05学年第16期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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