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英语辅导:Eating in the Restaurant
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/15 13:50  英语辅导报

  一、 常用表达方式集锦

  1. May I take your order? Here is the menu. (请您点菜好吗?这是菜单。)

  2. What would you like to eat /drink?

  3. Could we see the menu, please?

  4. I’d like to drink coffee without milk.

  5. What’s special for tonight?

  6. Here is the bill. (这是帐单。)

  7. Waiter, let me have the bill. (服务员,埋单。)

  8. Let’s go Dutch. (让我们各付各的帐。)


  Waiter: Good evening, sir. Welcome to our restaurant.

  Mr Liu: Thank you. Have you a table for two?

  Waiter: Yes, sir. This way, please.

  Mr Liu: Oh, good. Sit down, please, Mr Smith.

  Mr Smith: Thank you.

  Waiter: May I have your order now?

  Mr Liu: Let’s see your menu.

  Waiter: Here you are.

  Mr Liu: What would you like to eat, Mr Smith?

  Mr Smith: I like roast Beijing Duck(北京烤鸭). What about you?

  Mr Liu: I like meatballs(肉丸子). Something to drink?

  Mr Smith: Two bottles of beer.

  Waiter: Roast Beijing Duck, meatballs and two bottles of beer. Wait a minute, please.

  (After the meal)

  Mr Liu: Hi, waiter. May I have the bill, please?

  Waiter: Here is the menu. Ninety-three yuan in all.

  Mr Smith: Let’s go Dutch.

  Mr Liu: No, it is on me this time. Here is one hundred yuan. Please keep the change.(不用找零了。)

  Waiter: Thank you, sir.

  (文/辛升 英语辅导报牛津八年级普及版2004-2005学年第25期;版权归英语辅导报社所有独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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