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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/04 18:33  国际在线




  Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) has spent the first ten years of his life living under the stairs in the house of his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, who generally dislike him. Then, one day, a giant, named Hagrid, comes to him with an invitation to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry soon discovers that there are two worlds: one is the dreary world of the Muggles where he's grown up, and the other is one of magic and fantasy, and it's the latter in which he's destined to live.


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  Ron: Excuse me, do you mind? Everywhere else is full.

  Harry: Not at all.

  Ron: I'm Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley.

  Harry: I'm Harry. Harry Porter.

  Ron: So, so it's true. I mean, do you really have the, the, ...?

  Harry: The what?

  Ron: Scar.

  Ron: Wicked!

  Old Woman: Anything off the trolley, dears?

  Ron: No, thanks. I'm all set.

  Harry: We'll take the lot.

  Ron: Wow!

  Ron: Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. They mean every flavor. There's chocolate and peppermint and also...spinach, liver and tripe. George sweared he got a booger-flavored one once.

  Harry: These are not real frogs, are they?

  Ron: It's just a spell. Besides it's the card you want. Each pack's got a famous witch or wizard. I've got about 500 myself.

  Ron: Watch it! That's rotten luck. They've only got one good jump in them.

  Harry: I've got Dumbledore!

  Ron: I got about six of him.

  Harry: Hey, he's gone.

  Ron: You can't expect him to hang around all day, can you?

  Ron: This is Scabbers, by the way. Pathetic, isn't he?

  Harry: Just a little bit.

  Ron: Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow. Want to see?

  Harry: Yeah.

  Ron: Sun...

  Hermione: Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one.

  Ron: No.

  Hermione: Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see, then.

  Ron: Sunshine, daisies and butter mellow. Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow!

  Hermione: Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it? Of course, I've only tried a few simple ones myself...but they've all worked for me.

  Hermione: For example: Oculus Reparo. That's better, isn't it?

  Hermione: Holly cricket, you are Harry Porter! I'm Hermione Granger. And you are...?

  Ron: I'm Ron Weasley.

  Hermione: Pleasure. You two better change into robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon.

  Hermione: You've got dirt on your nose, by the way. Did you know? Just there.


  1. Wicked! 相当于Cool!

  2. I'm all set! 相当于I'm fixed. 我都准备好了。

  3. rotten luck 相当于bad luck。

  4. hang around 逗留,停留

  例句:Peter has to stop hanging around on the street all day and get a real job.



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